Recording is of a CBC-FM broadcast.
This is a very worthwile concert which brought me great pleasure on each of the several listens needed to prepare this torrent. Adam Cohen certainly is his own man, but as a bonus, fans of his father, Leonard Cohen, might well notice a certain similarity of voice, phrasing, and subject.
Fault: Even after the removal of several, repetitive DJ interruptions are annoying.
Toronto, ON -- CBC Studio 211
2014-09-15 -- 41:41
01. -DJ talk-
02. We Go Home
03. -DJ talk, talk-
04. Put Your Bags Down
05. -DJ talk, talk-
06. What Other Guy
07. -talk-
08. Don't Crack
09. -DJ talk-
10. -What Kind of Woman
11. -talk, DJ talk-
12. Beautiful
13. -talk-
14. Love Is
15. -DJ talk, talk-
16. So Much to Learn
17. -talk-
18. Uniform
19. -band intro, DJ outro-
note: DJ is Nana aba Duncan
all compositions by Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen - vocals, guitar
Don Miguel - guitar, harmony vocals
Trish Robb - keyboards, mandolin, guitar, harmony vocals
Stephanie Collerette - piano, cello
Genevieve Clermont - violin
Marie-Pierre Legault - violin
Contains four photos from the CBC website page for this show.
Recorded by stevemtl on 2014-10-13:
CBC cable FM -> Yamaha RX596 -> AP2448 (analogue port) ->
Soundforge (@24/48) -> HD
Mastered and posted to DIME on 2014-10-15 by stevemtl:
HD -> Soundforge (@24/48: trim, edit, L2 level fix)-> r8brain
(vhq downsample) -> Soundforge(L2 dither)-> CDwave (track cut)
-> TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) - TLH (torrent)
Support Adam Cohen by purchasing official releases and attending tour performances.
Reserve MP3 and other degrades for your own use only; please pass on in a lossless format exclusively.
Do not profit in any material way from this recording.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: