The (South) African Jazz Pioneers
The Hague (North Sea Jazz Festival)
10 July, 1993

The (South) African Jazz Pioneers at the North Sea Jazz Fest 1993. From my own cassette tape with the direct radio broadcast of the concert in the "Jan Steen Zaal", Saturday, July 10. The band was booked at the last moment to replace Horace Silver.


Exact personnel unknown. In the summer of 1991, at Montreux, the personnel of the African Jazz Pioneers was as follows:
Stompie Manana & Sam Tshabangu (tp); Jasper Cook (tb); Jennifer Klot, Shep Ntsumai & Ntemi Piliso (reeds); Madoda Gzabeka (p), Nkaka Khumalo (g), Cantridge Tau (b), Mpho Mathabe (d), Giant Molokomme (vcl)

Track list (TT=30:13):
01 Announcements + Unknown (check for the sound engineers) (4:44)
02 Bush (?) (8:28)
03 Unknown (6:37)
04 Amankau (?) (3:27)
05 Unknown (5:26)
06 Closing Announcements (1:31)

FM > tape > recording, tracking and editing wav file in Audacity > CD-R > Wav > TLH (Flac 8, align on sector boundaries)

Audio quality:
A- (FM)