Al Di Meola Inter Media Arts Center (IMAC) Huntington, NY 2002-10-25 FOB AUD (first time in circulation), Flesh To Flesh tour, entire show (mp3 sample included)
Another earlier show which hasn't seen the light of day until now. Mr. Di Meola set the band up much like setting a band up in a recording studio. The other instruments were isolated with Plexiglass barriers with the drums in back. Mr. Di Meola sat on a stool in front. The sound quality of the show was superb, which is also represented in the recording. Although the running time is only around 71 minutes, this is everything. Like the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy show torrented previously, this show was recorded on minidisc, which was transferred to computer and burned to CDr. Track splitup could have been with Nero or with Sound Forge, it's too long ago to remember. Please help with the track listing!
4. Band Intros
5. Saffire Soliel
Lineage: Sony MZ-R55 minidisc ->computer ->cdr ->Audacity ->Bass boost using preset ->TLH FLAC level six, sectors aligned and verified, FLAC integrity checked.
A DoinkerTape