Al Stewart
February 11, 2019
On The Blue Cruise (Day 2)
Royal Theater
Royal Caribbean Mariner Of The Seas
Docked at Nassau, Bahamas
"Red" show
Lostbrook 2.0 Volume 286
Source: CA11(cards)>SPSB-12>Sony M10(24/48)
Location: center balcony
Transfer: Sony M10>Micro SDHC>PC>Sound Forge 10>WAV 16/44.1>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC(level 8)
Taper/Transfer: Lostbrook
Covers: ethiessen1
01 Intro (0:22)
02 Sirens Of Titan (5:27)
03 Antarctica (5:13)
04 Time Passages (7:10)
05 Broadway Hotel (4:34)
06 On The Border (5:32)
07 Midas Shadow (4:31)
08 Roads To Moscow (10:10)
09 One Stage Before (7:49)
10 Year Of The Cat (7:23)
Al Stewart - vocals, guitar
Josh Solomon - guitar, vocals, keyboards
Erika Brett - keyboards, vocals
Danny Rosenthal - drums
Nate Bellon - bass, vocals
Marc Macisso - saxes, flute
I had a lot of time on my hands this day since I had no interest in Q&As, "Photo Experiences", or in seeing The Orchestra (even though lots of people recommended them). With Al Stewart my first show at 4:45PM, I wandered the ship and passed the time with friends old and new.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: