Alan Hull
The Red Lion Folk Club
King's Heath
Birmingham UK
Audience Recording
Quality A
Artwork Included
Time 71.50
Lineage TradeCDR>EAC>Audacity>Dime
Saved the best one till last,and what a cracker it is.
The cover tells us that this is the whole show,and what a show it is.
Saturday night,it's The Red Lion.......welcome....Alan Hull
A nice sounding show,i thought it was a soundboard at first,but with
plenty of audience on it i changed my mind. It may have been recorded
with open air mikes quite near the P.A. Needed a pitch correction and split a couple of tracks. A bit of slipping on the tape,but hardly noticeable.
Checked SBE's with Trader's Little Helper.
1. -Intro Chat
2. Money game
3. United States Of Mind
4. -Rain Chat
5. Walk In The Sea
6. See The Pretty Dancer
7. -Peacesong Chat
8. Poor Old Ireland
9. -Chat
10. One More Bottle Of Wine
11. -Mavinas Chat
12. Malvinas Melody
13. Breakfast
14. Oh No Not Again
15. Winter Song
16. -Chat
17. Day Of The Jackal
18. -Club Chat
19. Marshal Riley's Army
20. All Fall Down
21. January Song
22. Lady Eleanor
23. Fog On The Tyne
24. We Can Swing Together
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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