Song 1 to 32
"Albert Collins - The Soundboard Archive"
Thanks to the original uploaders!
For some time now, I have been making �The Soundboard Archive� compilations. My live-music collection had become so massive that I thought it pointless to keep "multiple-to-the-nth-degree" versions of the same songs, especially for "non-jam" bands: thus the genesis of this project of mine.
This has been my methodology:
I. Choose a trade-allowing artist (= "not on LL's / TTD's NAB lists") & collate all of the tracks from my �SBD� flac/shn files for said artist.
As of this writing, I've made compilations for the following, in chronological order:
01. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings
02. Marvin Gaye
03. Alison Krauss & Union Station
04. The Fall
05. Blind Melon
06. Rush
07. Eddie Money
08. Bob Marley & The Wailers
09. 10cc
10. Alabama Shakes
11. 10,000 Maniacs
12. 311
13. Doc Watson
14. AC/DC
15. Adele
16. Adrian Belew
17. Radiohead
18. The Alarm
19. Billy Joe Shaver
20. Led Zeppelin
21. Bottle Rockets
22. Albert Collins
II. Listen to each track and choose what sounds to my ears to be the �best� version.
III. Rename each chosen track and add tags detailing date & venue.
IV. Compile �the winners� into a �The Soundboard Archive� collection � after ensuring (to the best of my ability) that NO included tracks have been officially released.
Enjoy! Support the artist and buy the officially-released items (to the best of my knowledge & as of this writing) -
1978-02-17 (�You Don�t Have To Go,� �Frosty,� �Conversation With Collins,� �Sweet Home Chicago�)
1981-02-07 (�Only A Fool�)
1989-xx-xx (Wiltern Theatre - L.A.)
1993-09-04 (�I Ain�t Drunk,� �T-Bone Shuffle�)
1993-09-05 (�Traveling South,� �My Woman Has A Black Cat Bone,� �Talkin� Woman�)
1978-09-16 - "Monterey Jazz Festival" - Monterey, CA
01. Somebody's Gotta Go *
02. I'm Ready
03. Have Mercy
04. Don't Lose Your Cool
05. Do What You Wanna Do
06. Frosty
1978-10-31 - Scorpion Lounge - State College, PA
07. Goin' To New York
08. Big Boss Man
09. I Got A Mind To Travel
10. Every Day I Have The Blues
1979-07-18 - "Montreux Jazz Festival" - Montreux, CHE (with "Champion Jack" Dupree)
11. Good Golly Miss Molly
12. Going Down Slow
13. Whiskey & Wimmen
1980-12-09 - Maison des Arts - Cr�teil, FRA
14. Got My Mojo Working (medley)
15. She's Fine
16. Caldonia
17. Sweet Home Chicago (medley)
18. Howling For My Darling
1981-07-08 - "Montreux Jazz Festival" - Montreux, CHE
19. I'm Fed Up With This Music
20. Listen Here
21. Cold Cuts
22. "instrumental"
1981-11-16 - McNeil Dining Room, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Troy, NY
23. Stormy Monday
24. Further On Up The Road
25. Crazy About My Baby
26. Rock Me Baby
27. Master Charge
28. Dyin' Flu
1982-05-xx - Biddy Mulligan's - Chicago, IL
29. Catch The Train In The Morning
1983-03-19 - "Meervaart Blues Fest" - Amsterdam, NLD
30. Cold, Cold Feeling
31. Honey, Hush!
32. If You Love Me Like You Say
33. I Got To Talk With You
1983-07-03 - "Montreal International Jazz Festival," Spectrum de Montreal - Montreal, CAN
34. Ice Pickin'
1985-02-15 - Chestnut Cabaret - Philadelphia, PA
35. Nothin' But The Blues
1985-07-27 - Alberts Hall - Toronto, CAN (with Stevie Ray Vaughan & Jeff Healey)
36. Cleo's Thing
37. Hideaway
1986-04-xx - (unknown venue) - Houston, TX
38. Conversation With Collins
39. Albert's Back In Town
1986-12-12 - Chestnut Cabaret - Philadelphia, PA
40. Tired Man
41. Angel Of Mercy
42. Black Cat Bone
43. I Got That Feelin'
44. "instrumental 1"
45. "instrumental 2"
46. Things I Used To Do
47. The Moon Is Full
48. Brick
1987-06-06 - Petrillo Bandshell - Chicago, IL
49. Thaw Out
1988-09-11 - "San Francisco Blues Fest," Fort Mason - San Francisco, CA (with Elvin Bishop)
50. I Wonder (Why You Are So Mean To Me) (vocals = Debbie Davies)
51. I Ain't Drunk **
52. Too Many Dirty Dishes
53. Don't You Lie To Me *
1989-01-19 - Rockefeller's - Houston, TX
54. T-Bone Shuffle (fades out)
55. Soul Serenade
1990-09-17 - Belly-Up Tavern - Solana Beach, CA
56. Let Me Love You Baby
1992-06-07 - "Chicago Blues Festival," Petrillo Music Shell - Chicago, IL (with Lowell Fulson)
57. "instrumental 1"
58. Lights Are On But Nobody's Home
59. Put The Shoe On The Other Foot
60. "instrumental 2"
61. Same Old Thing
62. Mr. Collins
63. Do You Feel It?
64. Reconsider Baby
1992-07-04 - Crystal Palace Bowl - London
65. Traveling South
66. Ice Man
1993-04-09 - Warner Theatre - Washington, DC
67. Trying To Work My Back Home
68. If Trouble Was Money
69. Head Rag
* slight diginoise
** drop-out @ 1'14"
(Frequency Analyses of "Somebody's Gotta Go," "Goin' To New York," "Good Golly Miss Molly," "Got My Mojo Working," "I'm Fed Up With This Music," "Stormy Monday," "Catch The Train In The Morning," "Cold, Cold Feeling," "Ice Pickin'," "Nothin' But The Blues," "Cleo's Thing," "Conversation With Collins," "Tired Man," "Thaw Out," "I Wonder (Why You Are So Mean To Me)," "T-Bone Shuffle," "Let Me Love You Baby," "Lights Are On But Nobody's Home," "Traveling South," & "Trying To Work My Back Home" are included.)
1978-09-16 = MSR > casette > CD > unknown > FLAC
1978-10-31 = Soundboard > ? > Cassette > CD-R > Soundforge > Wav > TLH (sector boundary aligned) Flac Level 8
1979-07-18 = SBD > ? > CD-R received in trade > XLD > WAV > xACT 2.5 > FLAC
1980-12-09 = FM (precise lineage unknown, comprised of several broadcasts)
1981-07-08 = Soundboard > ? > CDR > xACT > FLAC
1981-11-16 = SBD Master Reels > Low gen Cassette > Nakamichi 582 > PCM > PCM Cool Edit Pro 16-441
1982-05-xx = FM > ? > 3rd gen cassette > Sony TC-WE475 > Sony DTC-ZE700 > E-MU E-DSP Soundcard > 16/48 wav > Wavelab (tracking & tweaking)
1983-03-19 = SBD
1983-07-03 = FM > ? > Pioneer Cassette Player > Edirol > PC
1985-02-15 = SBD > Sony D5(m) > Onkyo TA-RW344 w\ azimuth correction > Cooledit Pro 2.0 > .wav > CD Wave > flac (level 8)
1985-07-27 = SBD
1986-04-xx = FM > ? > Trade cassette > EAC > Flac (8)
1986-12-12 = SBD > Sony TC-D5 Stereo Cassette-Corder > Master Cassette (Maxell MX90) > Nakamichi LX-5 (azimuth adjusted) > Edirol R-4 @ 24 bit/96 kHz > Sound Forge Pro 10.0a (normalize) > CDWav (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > .WAV > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (downsampled to 16 bit/44.1 kHz) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC. Pitch correction by "sidewindersf" = Flacs > Wav > merge into single file > Speed corrected wih Magix Music Studio > CD-Wav > TLH > Flac 8
1987-06-06 = FM > ? > Trade cassette > Sony TC-WE475 > Sony DTC-ZE700 > E-MU E-DSP Soundcard > 16/48 wav > Wavelab (tracking and tweaking)
1988-09-11 = FM
1989-01-19 = SBD > ? > Trade CD-R > Sony TC-WE475 > Sony DTC-ZE700 > E-MU E-DSP Soundcard > 16/48 wav > Wavelab (tracking & tweaking). Pitch correction by "sidewindersf" = flacs > Wav > Magix Music Studio > TLH > Flac 8
1990-09-17 = SBD > ? > Trade CD-R > EAC > Flac (8)
1992-06-07 = FM (Onkyo TX8511) > SoundBlaster (Live! 24 bit External) > TDK SA100 cassette > Sony TC-WE475 > SoundBlaster (Live! 24 bit External) > wav (CD Wave Editor) > flac
1992-07-04 = BBC 2 Live FM Broadcast > Technics ST-G 70L > Akai GX 95Mk11 (Sony UX 100) Dolby B>Akai GX 95Mk11 (Playback)> Soundforge 8 (Track Marks, Edits, Fades) > FLAC
1993-04-09 = SBD > ? > DAT (probably Digital SBD) > CD-R > EAC > FLAC
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: