The Alejandro Escovedo Experience
Dosey Doe Music Café
Conroe, Texas
July 29, 2016
source: Soundboard [Main Mix][16bit/48kHz], recorded to the USB port on the soundboard
Taped by Jim-> sent to Johua Cain-> sent to scdegraaf
Edited with SoundForge 9.0 by scdegraaf
Downsampled to 16bit/44.1kHz
When I first listened how the sound was on this recording I was not enthusiastic. After working
on the volumes it sounded a lot better. Next I did some further editing and the result is a good
As I hadn't listened to anything by Alejandro in a year I was curious what he'd be doing with
this band and whether there'd be any new songs (his last album dates from 2012).
No surprises: new songs or a special setlist,but Alejandro never puts on a bad show.
Alejandro Escovedo- vocals, guitar
Brian Standefer- cello
Sean Giddings- keyboards
Scott Laningham- drums
Daniel Durham- bass
Setlist [01:54:53]
1. Talk
2. Five Hearts Breaking
3. Bottom Of The World
4. Talk
5. Sally Was A Cop
6. Talk
7. San Antonio Rain
8. Talk
9. Sister Lost Soul
10. Talk
11. Rosalie
12. Chelsea Hotel '78
13. Talk
14. Down In The Bowery
15. Talk
16. Arizona
17. Talk
18. Always A Friend
19. Crowd/talk
20. All The Young Dudes <David Bowie>
21. Talk/tuning
22. Sabor A Mi <Álvaro Carillo Alarcón>
23. Castanets
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: