The Allman Betts Band
September 3, 2021 [2021-09-03]
The Rio Theater
Santa Cruz, California
This is the 16/44.1 recording suitable for CD burning. (The disc change is seamless).
A 24/48 version is being seeded separately.
Tascanm DR-44WL with internal mics master (24/48) > macintosh with Digidesign MBox audio interface > Pro Tools (normalization, tracking and down-sample to 16/44.1) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files, tagged with sector boundaries verified).
Very nice sounding audience recording considering the setup with the deck sitting on an unused seat in the front row of the stage left section right behind the dance floor. People were standing up in the front but the music is much louder than any of the minimal audience noise and it is a very stereo-sounding recording. In the interest of getting this up fast, I did not listen to every minute of the recording, so there may be minor audible audience noise, but I doubt that anything will distract you from the performance.
Notes: A friend surprised me with an available free ticket at the last minute and I thought I would try out the rarely used deck that I got a few years ago but have not attempted to sneak in anywhere due to its size and the usual metal detectors that I have encountered at shows that I've attended. Since there was no search and the band seemed to be "taper-friendly", I just walked in with a small carry case and proceeded without any problems. The setlist was copied from the stage cue sheet and I am not very familiar with the non-Allman Brothers songs, so some of my titles may be "partial titles". The first song listed, "Wash" could not be found on the web and I did not hear where the transition might be in the first song, so my title combines the intro and the first two titles into one track. I'll mention Devon Allman was not on stage during "Jessica", and my friend who I went with thought his performance was a bit more subdued than other times he has seen this band, but I didn't notice anything myself, since this was the first time I've seen them. The opening acts were The River Kitten (who sang backup on the last song of the main set) and The Marc Ford Band. The opening acts sounded good but I did not record them. The River Kittens said that they were just signed to Devon Allman's record company, and sounded good so you should check them out when they have some released material.
CD1 = 67:13
101 intro > Wash / Savannah's Dream 14:51
102 Autumn Breeze 8:06
103 Magnolia Road 6:01
104 talk 0:15
105 Southern Rain 6:38
106 Shinin' 5:48
107 Ain't Wastin' Time No More 7:39
108 Trouble No More 7:03
109 Jessica 10:52
CD2 = 50:01
201 Pale Horse Rider 5:11
202 Rivers Run 5:02
203 Green Flower Street 7:12
204 Congratulations 4:15
205 band intros 1:41
206 Should We Ever Part [with The River Kittens] 5:08
207 encore break 2:15
208 Down To The River 9:51
209 talk 0:28
210 Long Gone 8:15
211 outro and applause 0:43
Devon Allman - guitar, vocals
Duane Betts - guitar, vocals
Berry Duane Oakley - bass, vocals
Johnny Stachela - guitar, vocals
John Ginty - keyboards
R. Scott Bryan - percussion, vocals
John Lum - drums
Recorded, transferred and seeded by grner1 (2021-09-04). Enjoy and SHARE!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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