Ally Venable Band
"60 Cycle Hum"
Center Stage, Atlanta, Georgia
Taper: MrFender
A Better Than Nothing production.
Taped right behind the sound board
Opening for Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Recording: CA14 Cards > CA9100 > Sony PCM-M10 > Audacity track & downsample to 16/44 / TLH FLAC Level 6
1) Use Me (Bill Whithers cover) - cut
2) Hard Change
3) Bring on the Pain
4) Comfort in My Sorrows
5) Road to Nowhere
6) Lenny (SRV cover)
First of two nights in Atlanta opening for Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Recorded right behind the sound board which is just a little too far away for the CA14s so there's some distance in the recording. Overall volume was kind of low and, as you'll notice, a lot of 60 cycle hum. Also, her guitar was doing her no favors, lot of tuning between each song.
The first song cuts in about 2 minutes after the start. I wasn't ready when the band walked onto the stage then went from brickwalling overload on the preamp to almost shutting it off, trying to get the mics in place, etc. Just really messed that up right out of the gate. Anyway, I cut in the song where I had it mostly figured out and then a little wobble trying to dial in the gain. Only really missed the instrumental intro, no lyrics.
Enjoy, MrFender.
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