Amaru Tribe
Stage 3 Botanic Park Adelaide
music producer and singer/songwriter Oscar Jimenez (Colombia- Australia),
Muralist and singer/songwriter Katherine Gailer (Colombia- Australia),
percussionist Cristian Saavedra (Chile- Australia)
Sebastian Barahona (Chile).
No setlist
Very danceable . full on bass and percussion Australian Columbian band , one of my fave acts of the festival.
Recording 8 metres from stage , most of set recorded, audience was pretty quiet, but with two exceptions , the sound was very good.
There are two places where there was aud yakking �..both involving the balding dude i will call 'Glitter man " as he had a big glob of silver and blue glitter on one cheek. I moved early on from one spot to avoid talkers and found a free space next to him, he was busy taking a photo, as I moved next to him he leapt in front of me and claimed 'his spot" where he had been dancing , no problem, I apologised , this involved about 6 seconds of chat., I removed this section , its barely noticeable. its occurs around 6.15 .during this and after a distinct high pitched whine on the PA was evident, which lasted on and off til 6.50. that has been removed
Glitterman was not finished. later on after dancing peacefully for most of the set, and having his space invaded by two young attractive girls, (who for some reason he did NOT leap in front of to complain , surprise surprise ) , he decided to get chatty towards the end of the set.
At the start of the last track he talked very loudly to a guy next to him, right in front of me, no way i could avoid this, it was too crowded to move, so there is about 20 seconds of him crapping on , I've removed the talking as much as possible, but Id like to send a big " f'-ck you" to Glitterman wherever he lives in Melbourne ,( which he informed all around him was where he came from ) as in my book, he's a pretentious noisy twat ! .
Ultra Premium AT 899 Sub-Miniature Condenser Omnidirectional Stealth Binaural Microphones> Roland R07 bass roll off 100hz > 16bit wav >Acoustica 7.5 digital declip and mild multiband compressor >Adobe audition- Adjust channel levels, lower vocals and bass using spectral tools. lower applause using Acon declick and declip >XACT ( LEVEL 8 ) Playback for editing through audio 3010I and Dali Concept 8 speakers
Recorded, transferred , edit by godzgolfball
don't sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format, buy the records and merchandise, support live music ! .
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