American Jazz Quartet
Live at Jazzfest, Saalfelden, Austria
SOURCE: Dime post by 'ricola' - thanks!!
FM BROADCAST>Tape Deck Yamaha>Audio tape transfer to CD,
Artworks are kindly provided by fastone - thanks !!
Goody's additional lineage:
TLH (WAV) > Audition (Pitch Bender -86 cents; Patched transition to reconstruct
Tracks 03 > 04 from alternate 'abbcccus' source, using an excerpt made double-mono
from the right-channel, which needed -1.16 cents pitch adjustment and phase correction
to align the channel and some EQ to match the low end more closely to the rest of the track;
Tracking updated) > TLH (FLAC Level 8; Align sector boundaries; .ffp) > foobar2000 (tags)
TomP Changes Made (Nero 7):
Mono R channel only, used better sounding & without most of the hum on left channel
Reduced volume peak at 0.18 and the last 3 min of tr01 by 3dB
Nero noise print NR at a low setting so music is not affected
- worked well although a low level hum buzz is still just audible
Fixed volume bursts ranging from less than 1 sec to 3 min
EQ, +2dB bass lift
Cut last 5 sec (tr01) & first 5 sec (tr02) to eliminate loud hum tone
Cut silences at beginning and end of most tracks
Cross-faded tracks to smooth transitions
TomP additional changes:
Added flac tags using Tag&Rename and Folder.jpg artwork
Quality: Definitely an A+
This lineup and set has also circulated under the names "Dewey Redman / Don Cherry Band",
"Cherry Redman Haden Motian", "Old Dreams - New Dreams", and possibly others. While trying to settle
this confusion once and for all, it was revealed that the actual name under which this band toured
was "American Jazz Quartet". This lineup had a wild-card member, as it's possible that Don Cherry
wasn't always available. Other members have included Baikida Carroll and Mick Goodrick.
This is a wonderful mono recording which had an imperfect stereo transfer that was easy to fix,
so now you have a great concert, with especially Motian and Haden giving an object lesson to
modern rhythm teams (Parker & Drake come to mind) on how to give a toe-tapping propulsion to the
music and lead the beat rather than lag slowly behind.
With the help of Goody for the pitch correction, fastone for the artworks, and my flac tags addition...
...Happy New Year to all Dimers !!
TomP post on Dime, December 2012...Enjoy !!
Charlie Haden: bass
Dewey Redman: ts
Don Cherry: tp, piano
Paul Motian: dr
Tracks (69:32)
01 - Solidarity (Cherry) 14.22
02 - Lonely Woman (Coleman) 17.19
03 - The Sphinx (Coleman) 11.22
04 - Song for Che (Haden) 18.43
05 - Guinea (Cherry) / Happy House (Coleman) 07.44
Text updated for this edition by Goody (2012-12-20) and TomP (2012-12-27)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: