Amy Winehouse
Live at Tempodrom, Berlin,
15 October 2007 (CD & Covers)
Dur�e : 53mn
Qualit� : A+
01 Addicted (3.9MB)
02 Just Friends (4.4MB)
03 Tears Dry On Their Own (4.4MB)
04 He Can Only Hold Her (4.0MB)
05 Back to Black (5.6MB)
06 Wake Up Alone (5.4MB)
07 Love Is A Losing Game (3.6MB)
08 Cupid (Sam Cooke) (5.2MB)
09 You're Wondering Now (The Specials) (4.4MB)
10 Brother (10.4MB)
11 You Know I'm No Good (5.4MB)
12 Rehab (5.1MB)
13 Me & Mr. Jones [aka Fuckery] (3.8MB)
14 Valerie (The Zutons) (6.1MB)
Descriptif :
* intro par un speaker allemand ; A
* Thank you ; JF
* guitar ; Hello...oh baby ; TDOTO
* sur le final de HCOHH : Ladies and Gentlemen, (...)
* Thank you ; C
* Thank you ; YAWN ; clapping pendant
* sur l'intro de B : Hello, how do you feel ? All right ? ; A pr�sente 1 � 1 ses musiciens, qui ex�cutent un petit solo, et ses choristes
* Heu, thank you very much, thank you very much for having (..) heu this is, this is the last song, (..) thank you very much ; M&MJ
* V ; Ladies and Gentlemen, Mrs AW ! ; relance ; Thank you, thank you ! Thank you ; jingle
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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