Anders Osborne
October 29, 2013 - Tuesday
Evanston, IL
Source: Busman BSC1/K31 > Naiant Littlebox > Sony PCM-D50 (24/96)
Location: Center, Approx 35 feet from stage, Approx 8 ft. high
Sony PCM-D50 > PC > SoundForge 9.0 > CD Wave > Traders Little Helper
SoundForge 9.0 used for 24 bit to 16 bit conversion, resampling and fades
Flac files tagged in Foobar 2000
Solo acoustic show
One Set
01. Peace
02. 47
03. Let It Go
04. Windows
05. Five Bullets
06. Sentimental Times
07. Dream Girl
08. Sarah Anne
09. I'm Ready
10. My Son
11. Black Tar
12. On The Road To Charlie Parker
13. Coming Down
14. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
15. Summertime In New Orleans
16. Lucky One
17. Banter/Crowd Requests
18. Echoes Of My Sins