AI CONFINI TRA SARDEGNA E JAZZ 2016 - Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra : ZULA
recorded in Piazza del Nuraghe, Sant'Anna Arresi (Sardinia), Italy, on saturday 3 September 2016
Daniel Glatzel, tenor saxophones and clarinets, conduction and compositions
Johannes Schleiermacher, baritone and tenos saxophones, flutes
Laure Mourot & Oliver Roth, flutes
Ritsche Koch, trumpet
Sebastian Hagele, bassoon
Kalle Zeier, guitar
Maria Schneider, vibraphone
Anna Schneider, harp
Jorg Hochapfel, keyboards and samples
Gregoire Simon & Matthew Lonson, violins
Johannes Pennetzdorfer & Martin Stupka, violas
Isabelle Klemt, cello
Mathias Pichler, double bass
Andi Haberl, drums
a german orchestra that would recall zappa in his absolutely free and grand wazoo eras, paired with orchestrations like duke ellington or hermeto pascoal. These unannunced tunes should be material of the forthcoming Vula album [at the time billed as "ZULA"], due on july 2017. Also included in the folder as track 00 a radio introduction in ITALIAN with bio notes and commentaries - this intro runs for 3'48", you can skip downloading it if you don't understand italian.
(00-radio introduction by Pino Saulo)
01- first piece, pt.1
02- first piece, pt.2
03- introductions
04- second piece
05- third piece
06- introductions
07- Cheeseburger, pt.1
08- Cheeseburger, pt.2
09- Cheeseburger, pt.3
running time : 63'41" (excluding radio intros)
with intro, it would be 67'29"
FM radio broadcast by "Il Cartellone - Radio Tre Suite Jazz", Radio 3 RAI [third channell of Italian national radio], on tuesday 23 May 2017, 20:35 hours CET.
Lineage (FM > Hard Disc > web):
aiwa XT-003Z FM Tuner > Audacity 1.3.5 Beta via Fujitsu Siemens Crystal WDM Audio soundcard > 44100hz/16bit .wav > Audacity > flac's (level 8) > webtorrenting
folder size : 438 mb
firstly upped by survivor69 on, 2-june-2017 (dimeupload #1769)
note that due to disk space limitations, I will not be able to keep seeding this torrent for a long time - I will abandon the seed in a few days, maybe remove from HD these wav/flac files, and keep only my own CDR. Too many things to upload. In case of seeders going missing, enlist yourself as a leecher and some seeder will come back, and you are anyhow welcome to try and ask for additional torrenting...
checksum file included - if uploaded on other trackers or reseed (and you are welcome to do both), please include original infofile and also do not change FOLDER name. Also, if not satisfied with my offering, you are welcome to remaster/retrack/whatever and repost, but please always clearly state where/who did you have this material from and keep original infofile. IF YOU ARE THEN OFFERING THIS SET ON YOUR BLOG AS mp3's, PLEASE SPECIFY WHERE TO ALSO GET THE ORIGINAL LOSSLESS FILES