Anson Funderburgh, Big Joe Maher & Holland K Smith, Tournon-Fr l'Abescat, 17 may 2014, SM aud master
Recorded from the second row of tables, 4 meters facing left PA using :
2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - Art Phantom II pro - Zoom H4N (48/24).
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (tracks, volume, a bit of eq), FLAC (TLH).
This band was assembled for this tour under the name "Texas guitar battle".
Anson Funderburgh, guitar
Holland K Smith, guitar and vocals
Big Joe Maher, drums and vocals
Gentleman John Street, keyboards
Eric Przygocki, bass
Big joe Maher was the singer when Anson F was fronting the band.
I had a lot of fun listening to them !
01 Intro
02 Deal with it
03 Unknown
04 I don't want to be pr�sident
05 Next song intro
06 Your turn to cry
07 Introducing H K Smith and the band
08 Freddie King's instrumental
09 Take me to the river
10 Next song intro
11 Green eyes
12 Talking about the new album
13 Love liquidation
14 Never got the blues
15 I don't buy that
16 Intro 2d set
17 Instrumental
18 Thunder and lightning
19 Next song intro
20 Love's like that
21 Next song intro
22 She ain't worth a dime
23 Bobcat woman
24 Band intro again
25 You can't catch me
26 I hear you knocking
27 Next song intro
28 Any other way
29 Next song intro
30 Rock party
31 Unknown
32 Next song intro
33 You get what you deserve
34 Audience and
35 Texas flood
Samples in comments.
Pictures in the torrent.
Ul by letsgo on may 2014.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
AnsonFunderburghHollandKSmith2014-05-17LAbescatTournonFrance (6).JPG
AnsonFunderburghHollandKSmith2014-05-17LAbescatTournonFrance (7).JPG
AnsonFunderburghHollandKSmith2014-05-17LAbescatTournonFrance (8).JPG
AnsonFunderburghHollandKSmith2014-05-17LAbescatTournonFrance (9).JPG