Aqua Nebula Oscillator
Psychedelic Network Festival #5
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 17 - 2012
Act #3/Day #2 (21:30 - 22:30)
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 476
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2 (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Taped at front row a bit left of center. Excellent recording with almost no chatter audible. The vocals are a bit low in the mix, due to the fact that it is almost stage monitor
sound picked up. Also, a light buzz is audible at the quiet parts. Mic-cable or sound system? Hmmm? Anyway, all thanks stright to the great SEETHELIGHT7 for capturing this great show!
A few pics by LORD DIE are included as well...AS you see, they got a fine taste...
As we finally get around to the closing acts of small but mindblowing PSYCHEDELIC NETWORK FESTIVAL 2012 at lovely Cafe Cairo in the "Beauty of lower Frankonia" (thanks lonetaper for
setting up my GPS), a town called WUERZBURG, I'd really like to impress my deepest thanks to Mr. Horst Porkert, for his organization of this marvellous event, as well as his fine "nose"
(and ears) to present such different sounding acts, and always surprising us with music which is a delight to listen to. Straight from my heart: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
So, here's another example of human musicians reaching the outerspheres of being. This three piece band from le grande nation, or better, from Paris, France, will make every spacerock
lover's heart going up to double speed bumping. Of course, there are lots of Hawkwind-style elements audible, but as well some real fine stoner rock paired up with northern african
rhythms and sounds. I'm sorry to say, but this is - for PNF standards - a rather short show, due to the fact of a new lineup in the band. But as I was told during the concert - we could
be lucky that they'd even shown up for the show! Weird? They might give you the answer you're not asking for (quote FZ). And now get the tape started...SB.
FULL SHOW (53: 43 min.)
01. Intro by Horst (0:37)
02. ... -> (6:25)
03. ... (3:37)
04. Space Tuning (1:46)
05. Turn on (aborted due to tech issues) (3:02)
06. Turn on -> (4:27)
07. Revolution (6:10)
08. ... (5:22)
09. ... -> (5:34)
10. ... (5:04)
11. ... -> (6:32)
12. ... (5:00)
You see, help with the setlist is in need, indeed.
the usual myspace/facebook sites.
sorry, no details about the lineup.
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy as much merch as your mule can carry!
Please, do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only!
If you sell - fucking go to hell!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: