Magificent performance of originals and well-chosen covers; the three of Dylan are especially noteworthy. The long highly informative and sometimes amusing talk segments alone are worth the download. Thanks and appreciation are owed the recordist, DIME member unwantedman, for the excellent source recording. The torrent has applause in balance, many talk and some music levels raised, hoots, etc. removed or reduced, and is nearly free of audience chatter. It is a fresh transfer from my clone and therefore will differ from previous versions of this performance, if any. All corrections or improvements of any sort are welcome.

Fault: One brief interaction with a waitress. Otherwise none, always bearing in mind that this is an audience recording made with concealed mics.

Ogunquit, ME -- Jonathan's
1997-12-13 -- 132:11

Set one:
01. -talk-
02. Chilling of the Evening
03. -talk-
04. Ukulele Lady
05. -talk-
06. Moon Song
07. -talk-
08. Mooses Come Walking
09. -talk-
10. Ukulele Lady
11. -talk-
12. All Along the Watchtower
13. -talk-
14. Ring-Around-a-Rosy Rag
15. -talk-
16. Percy's Song
17. -talk-
18. 1913 Massacre
19. -talk-
20. I Ain't Got No Home
21. guitar doodles-
22. Key to the Highway

Set two:
23. -talk-
24. Alice's Restaurant
25. -talk-
26. When a Soldier Makes It Home
27. If You Would Just Drop By
28. -talk-
29. Me and My Goose
30. -talk-
31. Waiting for a Train
32. -talk-
33. Wake Up Dead
34. -talk-
35. Under Cover of Night
36. -talk-
37. City of New Orleans
38. -talk-
39. Goodnight Irene
40. -encore applause-
41. -talk-
42. Highway in the Wind

t08: recitation
t09: reprise
t13: contains snippet of a song in progress

Arlo Guthrie, except
t04, 09: by Gus Kahn, Richard Whiting
t12, 16, 18: by Bob Dylan
t20: by Woody Guthrie
t22: by McKinley Morganfield (Muddy Waters)
t31: by Jimmie Rodgers
t37: by Steve Goodman
t39: by Huddie Ledbetter (Lead Belly)

Arlo Guthrie - vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica, ukulele
Abe Guthrie - keyboards, 'what have you'

No artwork.

Source: DAT master (16bits/48khz) > my clone
Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > slot on computer > HD
Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/48: L2 overall level adjust, edit, L2 talk, music, and applause level adjust, fades) > r8brain (vhq downsample > 24/44.1) > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker)
Circulated by stevemtl: Torrent marker uploaded to DIME on 2021-12-15.

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Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use exclusively.
Do not sell this recording or profit in any other material way from it.