The Arrogant Worms
February 21st, 2007
Brock Centre for the Arts Theater
Brock University
St. Catharines, ON
Source: Schoeps MK4(ORTF)->KCY->VMS 02 IB -> R1 (24/41)
Transfer: Adobe Audition 1.5 (fade in/out, 24->16 MBIT + dither, slight compression)->cd wave->flac ** 16 bit **
Taped by: Daniel Godwin (
Transferred by: Daniel Godwin (
Size: 437 mb
01. intro
02. We Are The Beaver
03. banter
04. Mime Abduction
05. banter
06. Pressure Washer
07. banter
08. Carrot Juice is Murder
09. banter -> Having Fun is Bad For You
10. I Am Cow
11. Rippy intro
12. Rippy The Gator
13. Let There Be Guns
14. banter
15. Go To Sleep Little Leech
16. I Ran Away
17. Security Guard
18. banter
19. Lonely Lab of Broken Hearts
20. banter
21. Celine Dion
22. banter
23. Last Saskatchewan Pirate
24. banter
25. Jesus' Brother Bob
Notes: Some crowd distractions (crinkling candy wrappers, annoying clapping off-beat, being "that guy") but over-all, not too bad. Questions, email me: