Unknown location
Toulouse, France
November 15th, 1977
SOURCE: VG 3rd gen mono audience tape traded in the 70's. The tape is damaged, so the quality varies but it is quite an enjoyable show.
LINEAGE : unknown tape recorder and mic
-> 3rd gen BASF Super LH1 type I cassette
-> Nakamichi Dragon (with NAAC auto-azimuth) Dolby off for playback
-> Zoom H2
-> Goldwave v.5.08 for tracks, edits,fades, equalization, maximize at 90%
-> TLH 2.4.1 (build 160)-> FLAC level 8 align on sector boundaries, md5s
CD one 0:40:42
102.Deep Distance
103.Ocean of tenderness
CD two 0:43:26
201.Shuttle cock
Total duration 1:24:08
Digitized, prepared and shared on Dime by finkployd49 (March 2013)
*** NOT FOR SALE ***