The Atomic Bitchwax
August 22, 2015
Rockstar Pro Arena
Dayton, Ohio

Source: Sound Professionals CMC-08s->SP-SB10 (no bass roll-off)->Roland R05->
CoolEditPro->CD Wave->TLH
Taper: ironchef

Total time: 53:36

01. Soundcheck
02. Hope You Die
03. Forty-Five
04. Giant
05. Kiss the Sun
06. No Way Man
07. Birth to the Earth
08. So Come On
09. It's Alright
10. Comin' in Hot
11. Destroyer
12. One of These Days
13. Shit Kicker

Notes: I finally got to see the mighty Bitchwax. They came on late because a lame local
band that was one of the openrs took too long to set up and played their three-chord noise
later than they were supposed to, so that ended up making TAB rush through their set and
drop two or three songs. Regardless, it was still worth the trip, and I wish they had drawn
a bigger crowd. I also shot video for maybe the second time ever with my Canon Vixia HF200
camera. I know almost nothing about editing, synching audio and doing the authoring
processes, so if anyone wants to volunteer to take that on and maybe give me a lesson in
video, send me a pm, and we'll set something up. In the meantime, crank up this audio of a
kickass band who doesn't get enough recognition. Enjoy!