The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation, an English blues-rock group from the late-1960s featuring the now-legendary drummer Aynsley Dunbar, perform at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco, California on 13 April 1969. Also included in the program that evening was Chuck Berry along with Zephyr, a blues-rock group from Boulder, Colorado. (The Jeff Beck Group was scheduled to play, but due to cancellation, Chuck Berry played instead.)
1) Introduction - 0:14
2) "Low Gear Man" - 5:44
3) "Run You Off The Hill" - 11:21
4) "Double Lovin'" - 9:45
5) "Sage Of Sidney Street" - 10:45
6) "Killing Floor" - 7:17
7) "Mutiny" - 12:59
total time: 58:04
Sample rate: 96 kHz
Bit depth: 24 bits
Audio channels: stereo (though music is mostly mono)
NOTE: Some of the audio (notably on tracks 3 through 5 and 7) are in true mono, since one audio channel was substantially damaged, necessitating replacement with audio from the opposite channel. Otherwise I have kept as much of the original transfer intact as possible for posterity.
*** LINEAGE ***
1/4-track, 1/4", 3-3/4ips reel-to-reel tape (unknown generation) --> Teac 22-4 tape machine (played at 7ips) --> Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 MkII ADC (24 bit / 192 kHz) --> iZotope RX 10 Advanced Audio Editor (sample rate halved to correct speed, major drop-out fixes, EQ corrections, careful noise reduction) --> Audacity 3.5.1 (split tracks) --> FLAC 96 kHz / 24 bit
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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