August 19, 2018
House of Blues
Orlando, Florida
Roland Edirol R09
internal microphones
Sound Forge Pro 11 Volume Boost and Fades
CD Wave 1.98 Track Splitting on Sector Boundaries
Back in my high school days, it was cool to be different than the masses. Aside from having a blue or red (depending on the day) bandanna hanging from your back pocket, being cool meant listening to the right music. While the masses were listening to Kiss, Journey or Foreigner, I was listening to new music by the B-52s and Devo. I was cool.
I finally saw the B-52s 40 years after the release of their first single (Rock Lobster). The show was good, really good and fun! The music sounded as fresh as it did back then even though these guys are now in their 60's and they haven't released any new music in 10 years. My only complaint music-wise, was that 1986's "Bouncing Off The Satellites" was not represented at all. I guess they can't please all of the people, all of the time. I also found it odd that the staff was hassling people for using cell phones to take pictures/video. In this day and age, it was an impossible task to keep 3,000 people from doing so, but security kept at it all night. Clearly Fred Schneider has an aversion to cameras. "Turn off your God damn cameras" followed "Private Idaho", and he often held a cow bell in front of his face when he saw someone in the crowd taking pictures/video. Strange.
For me, music tends to take me back to the time I first heard it, or when it was prevalent in my life. It was good reliving some of the memories I have of those other cool, bandanna toting high schoolers. Enjoy this one!
1. Cosmic Thing
2. Dance This Mess Around
3. Mesopotamia
4. Private Idaho
5. Lave
6. Funplex
7. Revolution Earth
8. 52 Girls
9. Roam
10. Party Out Of Bounds
11. Give Me Back My Man
12. band intro
13. Love Shack/Low Rider
14. Planet Claire
15. Rock Lobster
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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