B.B. King
Bangor Auditorium, Bangor, ME
November 22, 1996
Source : unknown mics > low gen cassette (Maxell XLIIS 100)
Transfer : Sony TC-WE 475 > JVC XL-R2010 CD-RW (16/44) (transferred 1/13/10)
Editing : Sound Forge (CD extract, tracking, volume) > Wave > TLH (sbe aligned) Flac 8
Traders Den - November 14, 2020
Transferred & Tracked by kingrue upload #2804
This recording is nearly complete and was most likely mastered on DAT.
Later during the show, it sounds like the taper moves position and the sounds gets muffled.
The muffled portion starts during Track 11 @ 3:10, and this lasts for 22 minutes.
The clarity returns during track 15 @ 3:42.
The band intros are not complete and the fanfare outro in missing from this copy.
I've never seen another copy anywhere and i don't know who the taper is.
This is a very good show and the sound quality is very nice.
During this tour B.B. King used 2 drummers on stage, with 2 full drum kits.
I've included a scan of the ticket stub inside the torrent folder.
Check samples for quality
B.B. King - Lucille, Vocals
Leon Warren - Guitar
James Toney - Keyboards
Michael Doster - Bass
Tony Coleman - Drums, Percussion
Calep Emphrey Jr. - Drums
Walter King - Alto Saxophone
Melvin Jackson - Tenor Saxophone
James Bolden - Trumpet
Total Time = 01:41:13
Set list
01 Instrumental
02 Instrumental
03 BB King Introduction Jam
04 Let The Good Times Roll
05 Stormy Monday
06 Paying The Cost To Be The Boss
07 Five Long Years
08 When It All Comes Down
09 Darling, You Know I Love You
-- tape break --
10 We're Gonna Make It
11 BB Talks & Tells Stories
12 Understand
13 Ain't Nobody's Business
14 Why I Sing The Blues
15 How Blue Can You Get
16 Guess Who
17 Rock Me Baby
18 The Thrill Is Gone
-- tape break --
19 Band Introduction (partial)
xx Fanfare Outro (missing)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: