Bass Drum of Death
Stubb's BBQ
SXSW 2022
Austin, TX
SP-CMC-8 (w/Mods) > Sony PCM-M10 > Sandisk Mini-SD Card (32gb - Class 10)
.WAV (24 Bit) > Adobe Audition 2022 CC (normalize/amplify/tracking/dithering/downsampling) > .WAV (16 Bit) > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC (Level 8)
01. Intro
02. I Wanna Be Forgotten
03. Just Business
04. Shattered Me
05. (Unknown)
06. Velvet Itch
07. Left for Dead
08. Too Cold to Hold
09. (Unknown)
10. Heavy
11. Nerve Jamming
12. (Unknown)
13. Crawling After You
The original plan was to catch these guys the following day at the Container Bar, as I wasn't sure what time I'd arrive at Stubb's, but as luck would have it (a lot of that on this trip, I must say), I was able to get into Stubb's early, hence I was able to catch this band and record them before my planned set the next day (double the fun!). I didn't know much of these guys outside of some stuff I streamed on Spotify in the weeks leading up to the festival, but I did enjoy what I heard. It was sort of heavy psych-rock, which seemed right up my alley and the perfect music to catch and see/hear while in Austin.
I'm sort of surprised to learn that this band has been around since 2008, as they looked pretty young up on stage, but I suppose looks can be deceiving. I had also never heard of them prior or seen them at any festival I attended (from what I can remember). I really hope that changes though, as these guys seem perfect for Desert Daze and several other festivals I normally attend, and I would love to catch them again. The crowd here seemed really into them too, which was great, as it gave that night an energy level that was pretty fantastic. And with the sound system at Stubb's, one of the best I heard all weekend, it really kicked the set into high gear.
If you're into heavy rock, like some psych-twisted lunatic licking some Black Sabbath lollipops, then this would probably be for you. There's a tad talking on the recording, right in the early parts, especially from an ex-coworker and friend I ran into randomly, but he got the picture really quick, that I was recording, and went and got a drink and saw the rest of the set from up on some balcony, so I could record in, relatively, peace and quiet, whatever that is at a festival!
Also, before the band went on stage, some stooge from SPIN magazine, who was "putting on" the event here at Stubb's this night, got up on stage and started rambling about how he and SPIN were going to announce something really cool for everyone in attendance that night. What did that end up being, you ask? That they were going to auction off their first ever SPIN NFT!!! OMG, an NFT!!! And better yet, it would be of their Machine Gun Kelly magazine cover. That's right, you could bid to own an NFT of a JPEG of one of their random magazine covers!!!
Who gives a flying fuck? Seriously, I'm so over this NFT shit, and it was pretty obvious everyone in the crowd (and this was fucking Austin, for crying out loud) was too. NFT was like the new buzzword in town all week long. It was everywhere, from SXSW panels, to billboards, to graffiti and more. Everyone was/is trying to sell you on the idea that their art, sold as an NFT, is the next great thing, SPIN guy included.
I have a better idea. You know what's better than a NFT? Something that isn't a NFT! And this here recording, this one right here, I'm going to offer to you, for free, and not just for free, but NFT-Free! That's right, you can download, stream, own, and share this recording in all the various formats (24 Bit FLAC, 16 Bit FLAC, 320kbs MP3, raw WAV and more) for free. No blockchain, no ownership receipt, no rules, no auctions, no digital wallets. Just the files, given to you, to listen to and do whatever you want with (except sell, please don't do that). Isn't that great!? And I'll even include some JPEG art, info txt files and more. At no extra cost! FUCK NFT's!!!!!
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