Publisher: Sea Of Tunes
Reference : C 9819/20/21/22
Date :1998
Made In :Luxembourg
Quality :Excellent
Booklet & packaging :4 Disc Boxset
Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 7 (1964)
The Alternate Beach Boys Today Album Vol. 1 C 9819/20/21/22
All tracks are stereo, except * indicated are mono.
Disc 1
Total duration: 51:02
1. She Knows Me Too Well (rehearsals) 2:12 *
2. She Knows Me Too Well (takes 1-3) 3:43 *
3. She Knows Me Too Well (take 16) 2:50 *
4. She Knows Me Too Well (1st vocal overdub) 2:45
5. She Knows Me Too Well (2nd vocal overdub) 2:43
6. She Knows Me Too Well (lead vocal overdub) 2:40
7. She Knows Me Too Well (stereo mix) 2:33
8. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (take 1) 2:23 *
9. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (take 1) 2:13 *
10. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (take 3) 1:41 *
11. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (takes 4-8) 5:05 *
12. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (take 10) 2:07 *
13. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (takes 11-13) 3:20 *
14. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (takes 14-17) 4:04 *
15. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (take 18) 2:33 *
16. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (stereo mix) 2:28
17. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (1st vocal overdub) 2:33
18. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (2nd vocal overdub) 2:33
Disc 2
Total duration: 63:04
1. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (rehearsals) 2:12 *
2. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (takes 1-9) 5:36 *
3. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (takes 10-18) 7:40 *
4. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (takes 19-36) 10:58 *
5. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (take 37 + outro rehearsals) 5:13 *
6. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (instrumental insert) 2:26
7. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (1st vocal overdub) 2:26
8. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2nd vocal overdub takes 1-12) 11:09
9. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2nd vocal overdub take 13) 2:14
10. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2nd vocal overdub take 14) 2:24
11. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (instrumental insert take 1) 2:55
12. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (instrumental insert takes 2 and 3) 4:13
13. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (instrumental insert take 4) 1:12
14. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (instrumental insert take 5) 2:01
Disc 3
Total duration: 72:13
1. I'm So Young (alternate take) (rehearsal and takes 1-5) 4:39 *
2. I'm So Young (alternate take) (take 6) 2:42 *
3. I'm So Young (alternate take) (takes 7-11) 7:31 *
4. I'm So Young (alternate take) (take 12) * 2:34
5. I'm So Young (alternate take) (1st vocal overdub) 2:37
6. I'm So Young (alternate take) (2nd vocal overdub) 2:38
7. Guess I'm Dumb (takes 1 and 2) 3:23
8. Guess I'm Dumb (unknown takes) 4:06
9. Guess I'm Dumb (take 22) 3:25
10. Guess I'm Dumb (take 23) 3:11
11. Guess I'm Dumb (1st vocal overdub) 3:04
12. Guess I'm Dumb (2nd vocal overdub) 3:04
13. All Dressed Up For School (takes 1-4) 3:52
14. All Dressed Up For School (take 5) 2:08
15. All Dressed Up For School (takes 6-8) 1:46
16. All Dressed Up For School (take 9) 2:40
17. All Dressed Up For School (1st vocal overdub) 2:40
18. All Dressed Up For School (2nd overdub takes 1 and 2) 3:44
19. All Dressed Up For School (2nd overdub takes 6 and 7) 3:44
20. Dance, Dance, Dance (alternate version) (takes 1 and 2) 2:18
21. Dance, Dance, Dance (alternate version) (instrumental insert) 2:05
22. Dance, Dance, Dance (alternate version) (vocal overdub) 2:06
23. Dance, Dance, Dance (alternate version) (stereo mix) 2:10
Disk 4
Total duration: 57:40
1. Dance, Dance, Dance (takes 1-12) 6:47 *
2. Dance, Dance, Dance (take 14) 2:10 *
3. Dance, Dance, Dance (take 15) 2:07 *
4. Dance, Dance, Dance (takes 16 and 17) 2:34 *
5. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub) 2:17
6. Dance, Dance, Dance (instrumental insert) 2:13
7. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub take 1a) 1:19
8. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub takes 2a and 3a) 2:11
9. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub takes 4a-7a) 3:15
10. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub takes 8a and 9a) 4:25
11. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub take 10a) 2:34
12. Dance, Dance, Dance (vocal overdub take 11a-14a) 3:51
13. Dance, Dance, Dance (stereo mix) 2:04
14. Kiss Me, Baby (takes 1-6) 4:09
15. Kiss Me, Baby (take 7) 1:55
16. Kiss Me, Baby (take 8) 2:30
17. (Talk between sessions) 2:05
18. Kiss Me, Baby (take 9) 3:05
19. Kiss Me, Baby (1st vocal overdub) 2:59
20. Kiss Me, Baby (2nd vocal overdub) 2:59