The Beatles / The Beatals / The Quarrymen / The Beetles / The Silver Beetles / The Silver Beatles
*** If Anyone has the "WILDCAT" CD, please seed it.
It offers the most complete set of these recordings. ***
This is only about half of what is out there.
These recordings have circulated under a number of names, with the song titles varying, especially for the jams.
John Lennon (guitar/vocals/front man/composer).
Paul McCartney (guitar/vocals/composer).
George Harrison (guitar).
Stu Sutcliffe (bass).
Occasionally Mike McCartney (percussion).
The Beatles had no steady drummer at this time.
I'm pretty sure that these are the only known recordings with Stu Sutcliffe.
Just what they were calling themselves when this was recorded no one knows anymore. It was during that transitional time, sans drummer, a few months before they toured with Johnny Gentle.
Here is the earliest live "Beatles" I've ever heard of (excluding the "In Spite of all the Danger).
We'll call it "live" because it was recorded live to mono tape deck.
There was no audience, just the boys playing, probably in April or May 1960, at Paul's house in Liverpool.
Some "songs" are really jams.
Look at the length of songs.
Three songs are over 10 minutes long!
There are 2 tapes circulating from this period.
One known as the "Kirchher tape" given to Astrid by Stu.
The other, the "Braun tape" given to Braun by Paul in 1961 as a 'thank you' for lending the band the Grundig reel to reel tape machine on which these recordings were made.
The sound is pretty bad,
but, hey, remember,
1960, mono tape, one mic, plus 40 years
for some cool pictures from May 1960 go to:
these first two sites have the most complete and consise information on these recordings:
this one lists who played what on each song
for more, check these out§ion=1§ion=1
below is the info that came with these historic recordings.
The Beatles
John, Paul, George & Stu - Liverpool May 1960
Publisher: SIAE
Reference :FU 207
Date :
Made In :Italy
Quality :Good
Booklet & packaging :copy of original LP artwork plus liner notes
Total duration: 78:20
This CD is a copy of LIVERPOOL MAY 1960 (Indra M5-6001) which first featured these
historical tracks on a two-LP set with extensive liner notes. Some of the same songs
are found on various Quarry Men bootlegs - albeit in edited form.
01. I'll Follow The Sun
02. Long Rambling Blues Sequence
03. Blues & Roll Expectations
**04. Hallelujah I Love Her So (** REMOVED - a shorter version, without the guitar solo, is on Anthology 1 - too bad this one can't be included)
05. That's Not A Banjo, It's Blues Guitar
06. Dreaming Old Mississippi Blues
07. Cold As Ice / Elvis' Nightmare
08. Oh Pretty Darling
09. The One After 909
10. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
11. Screaming Guitar Blues
12. Shuffle Boogie Blues
13. Won't You Try§ion=1
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