Rubber Soul
Recording Sessions Reconstructed
October & November 1965
Sources used: Rubber Soul cd, RARE Canadian cd, '62-'66 cd, Anthology cd, Anthology dvd, Anthology Director's Cut dvd, Backtrack, Another Sessions Plus, Purple Chick Deluxe, MR Red Wax transfer, Studio 2 Sessions At Abbey Road, Revolution, Vinyl To The Core, CD Singles set. Album mono mixes are from the Another Phase set. Stereo mixes from a remaster of the RARE Canadian Disque Americ cd.
Disc 1
Oct 12th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
01. Run For Your Life � Take 1
Some pre-song chat from the first session for the new album.
02. Run For Your Life � Take 5
The basic take consisted of the full band lineup, probably on track 1. Vocals are leakage from the second vocal overdub on track 3.
03. Run For Your Life � SI onto take 5
An incomplete early vocal run-through.
04. Run For Your Life � SI onto take 5
The next two tracks are filled with lead guitars on track 2 and vocals on track 4. The twin lead guitars are present on the early vocal run-through, indicating they were recorded prior to any of the vocals.
05. Run For Your Life � SI onto take 5
Second vocal overdub.
Oct 12th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00-11:30pm
06. Norwegian Wood � Take 1
The basic take consisted of John�s 12-string guitar on one track and percussion on another track.
07. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 1
John�s lead vocal backed by Paul.
08. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 1
Overdub of George�s sitar, Paul�s bass, a second John vocal and Ringo on percussion.
09. Norwegian Wood � Take 1 complete
Oct 13th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00pm-12:15am
10. Drive My Car � Take 4
The basic take had George on guitar and Paul on bass, playing the same riff, with Ringo on drums. Backing vocals and percussion are from the last vocal overdub.
11. Drive My Car � SI onto take 4
Paul and John�s lead vocals.
12. Drive My Car � SI onto take 4
An early lead guitar part is evident on the vocal track as it plays back through the monitor during the vocal performance. This lead guitar part was replaced but can still be heard faintly on the record, here enhanced a bit.
13. Drive My Car � SI onto take 4
Overdubs of piano, cowbell and a new lead guitar part. Paul has been credited with playing both the lead guitar and piano, however both parts appear to be playing on the same track simultaneously in the outro. The other three tracks are already present and accounted for (first track basic rhythm - left, second track lead vocals � right of center, third track John vocal and beep-beep backing vocals � left) so the guitar and piano can only be on the fourth track together (mixed far right), being played at the same time, or so it would appear. It doesn�t seem likely that either the piano or guitar was punched in anywhere on this track, since the cowbell is continuous throughout the playing of both the piano and lead guitar parts. On the mono mix it sounds like the outro has no piano yet retains the guitar, a bit puzzling until closer inspection of the mono mix reveals that the piano/cowbell track is faded in and out throughout the whole mono mix, apparently in an effort to remove as much cowbell as possible. The track is faded back in at the end for the three bent notes on the guitar, and it�s possible that at this point the piano and cowbell are mixed low enough not to be able to hear them very well at the end of the fade. After all that� probably George on guitar.
Oct 16th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
14. Day Tripper � Take 1
Drums and bass recorded to track 1, guitars recorded to track 2. Speed-corrected.
15. Day Tripper � Take 2
Take 2 quickly breaks down. Speed-corrected.
16. Day Tripper � Take 3
The complete best take. The ambient vocal leakage is reduced somewhat by mixing to mono. The extended ending is edited on from Backtrack.
Oct 16th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00pm-12:00am
17. Day Tripper � SI onto take 3
Overdub of John and Paul lead vocals, George on lead guitar and Ringo on tambourine. The extended ending is edited on from one of the boots.
18. Day Tripper � SI onto take 3
John and Paul double the lead vocals. The flub towards the end (early �day tripper yeah�) likely means this is the second vocal performance. The extended ending is edited on from one of the boots.
19. If I Needed Someone � Take 1
The basic take from the stereo left channel, it also includes George and Ringo�s guitar and tambourine overdubs onto another track, which pan right during the solo and outro.
Oct 18th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-5:45pm
20. If I Needed Someone � SI onto take 1
The first vocal overdub, with the panned-over guitar and tambourine during the solo section and outro.
21. If I Needed Someone � SI onto take 1
The second vocal overdub. Lewisohn says George is on track 3 while John and Paul are on track 4, but that can�t be the case since George is double-tracked all the way through, as are John and Paul in the verses.
22. In My Life � Take 3
The basic take of two guitars, bass and drums, all recorded to track 1. Some vocal leakage (pretend it isn�t there).
23. In My Life � SI onto take 3
First vocal overdub.
24. In My Life � SI onto take 3
Second vocal overdub.
25. In My Life � SI onto take 3
The tambourine is on the fourth track, along with the piano solo which was punched in later. The last ringing tone of an erased instrument (probably guitar � also heard on the outtake with organ) can be heard underneath the first tambourine hit following the punched-in solo.
Oct 20th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-6:30pm
26. We Can Work It Out � Take 1
�I know how it goes, it�s when it comes.� �John
John on guitar, Paul on bass, Ringo on drums and George on tambourine.
27. We Can Work It Out � Take 2
From the YD boot left channel, with some vocal leakage.
28. We Can Work It Out � SI onto take 2
Organ overdub in the choruses and middle 8.
Oct 20th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00-11:45pm
29. We Can Work It Out � SI onto take 2
Lead vocal overdub, a comp from the DVD 5.1 FLFR left and center isolations.
Disc 2
Oct 21st 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
01. Norwegian Wood � Take 2
The basic take with acoustic guitar, bass and drums.
02. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 2
All of the leakage makes it sound like the vocals and sitar may have been recorded simultaneously with the rhythm on another track, but it might be just the low quality of the booted outtake.
03. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 2
A second sitar part on a third track.
04. Norwegian Wood � Take 4
John plays and sings, Paul sings harmony.
05. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 4
Bass and second guitar, possibly played simultaneously with the previous track, in which case it would be George on guitar.
06. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 4
George overdubs sitar.
07. Norwegian Wood � SI onto take 4
The tambourine is on the fourth track, isolated from the 62-66 cd. Probably played along with the basic take but recorded to a different track.
Oct 21st 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00-12:00pm
Nowhere Man � Takes 1-2
No audio available.
Oct 22nd 1965 � Studio Two, 10:30-11:30am
08. In My Life � SI onto take 3
Excerpt with the first attempt organ solo from Vinyl to the Core.
09. In My Life � SI onto take 3
The piano solo punched in and recorded at half-speed onto the tambourine track. This excerpt is slowed to half-speed as it was originally recorded.
Oct 22nd 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
10. Nowhere Man � Take 4
This session was spent perfecting the rhythm track in takes 3-5. Take 4 was the best.
11. Nowhere Man � SI onto take 4
John and George overdub the lead guitars with their blue Stratocasters.
Oct 22nd 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00-11:30pm
12. Nowhere Man � SI onto take 4
First vocal overdub.
13. Nowhere Man � SI onto take 4
Second vocal overdub.
Oct 24th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
14. I�m Looking Through You � Take 1
The basic take from the left channel of the Backtrack version.
15. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 1
Overdub of guitar, handclaps and percussion. Backtrack right ch. Paul on guitar?
Oct 24th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00-11:30pm
16. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 1
Partial first lead vocal overdub.
17. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 1
Partial second lead vocal overdub.
18. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 1
Both lead vocals, complete, with lead guitar (George?) and organ (John?).
19. I�m Looking Through You � Take 1 complete
From Anthology 2.
Oct 25th 1965 � Studio Two, 10:00am-1:00pm
20. Drive My Car � Mono mix
The piano/cowbell track is faded down consistently throughout.
21. In My Life � Mono mix
22. If I Needed Someone � Mono mix
23. Norwegian Wood � Mono mix
George bumps into a chair at 0:38 and says �sounds good�� at 1:19.
24. Nowhere Man � Mono mix
Oct 26th 1965 � Studio Two, 10:00am-12:30pm
25. Drive My Car � Stereo mix
26. Day Tripper � US stereo mix.
27. In My Life � Stereo mix
28. If I Needed Someone � Stereo mix
29. Norwegian Wood � Stereo mix
30. Nowhere Man � Stereo mix
Disc 3
Oct 28th 1965 � Studio Two, 5:00-5:30pm
01. We Can Work It Out � RM1 from take 2
From the Revolution cd, a rough remix intended for them to mime to on The Music of Lennon and McCartney.
Oct 29th 1965 � Studio Two, 2:00-4:00pm
02. We Can Work It Out � SI onto take 2
Second vocal and harmonium overdub, from the extracted right channel of the 5.1 DVD FLFR stereo mix.
Oct 29th 1965 � Studio Two, 4:00-5:00pm
03. We Can Work It Out � Mono mix, from the CD singles set
04. Day Tripper � Mono mix, from the CD singles set.
Nov 3rd 1965 � Studio Two, 2:30-7:00pm
05. Michelle � Take 1
Paul�s guitar and Ringo�s drums on one track, Paul�s lead vocal on another.
06. Michelle � SI�s onto takes 1 and 2
Bass and two guitars were recorded to the last two available tracks, after which a reduction mix was made to free up a track for the backing vocals.
Nov 4th 1965 � Studio Two, 11:00pm-3:30am
07. What Goes On � Take 1
Rhythm section with Ringo�s overdubbed lead vocal.
08. What Goes On � SI onto take 1
Guitars plus overdubbed backing vocals.
09. 12 Bar Original � Rehearsal
10. 12 Bar Original � Takes 1 and 2
Nov 6th 1965 � Studio Two, 7:00pm-1:00am
I�m Looking Through You � Takes 2 and 3
No audio available.
Nov 8th 1965 � Studio Two, 9:00pm-3:00am
11. Beatle Speech � Take 1
Rehearsals for Think For Yourself
12. Think For Yourself � Take 1 and SI onto take 1
Basic rhythm track with first vocal overdub. No leakage of the fuzz bass track onto the vocals indicates the vocals were recorded first.
13. Think For Yourself � SI onto take 1
Second vocal overdub.
14. Think For Yourself � SI onto take 1
Paul on fuzz bass, John on organ, Ringo and George (?) on percussion.
Nov 9th 1965 � Room 65, 2:30-5:30pm
15. Michelle � First mono mix, from the US album.
16. What Goes On � Mono mix
George�s guitar is missing from the ending, which is curious because it should be on track 2 with John�s guitar. How could they remove one without the other?
17. Run For Your Life � Mono mix
18. Think For Yourself � Mono mix
19. Think For Yourself � Stereo mix
20. Michelle � Stereo mix
21. What Goes On � Stereo mix
Nov 10th 1965 � Room 65, 2:30-5:30pm
22. Run For Your Life � Stereo mix
23. We Can Work It Out � US stereo mix
Disc 4
Nov 10th 1965 � Studio Two, 9:00pm-4:00am
01. The Word � Take 3
The basic take had Paul on piano. Percussion, bass and high harmony are from the last overdub. From the US stereo mix.
02. The Word � SI onto take 3
First vocal overdub. The middle 8 sections were ducked out on the UK stereo mix.
03. The Word � SI onto take 3
The last two tracks were filled first with double-tracked vocals, then on the last vacant track with Paul on bass and high harmony, George doubles his guitar part, GM on harmonium, Ringo (and John?) on percussion.
04. I�m Looking Through You � Take 4
The basic take most likely had Paul on guitar and Ringo on drums.
05. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 4
Paul overdubs bass with Ringo on percussion.
Nov 11th 1965 � Room 65, 4:00-5:30pm
06. The Word � Mono mix
07. The Word � Stereo mix RS1 from the US album
Nov 11th 1965 � Studio Two, 6:00pm-7:00am
08. You Won�t See Me � Take 2
The basic take had Paul on piano.
09. You Won�t See Me � SI onto take 2
First vocal overdub.
10. You Won�t See Me � SI onto take 2
Second vocal overdub, Paul sings harmony on the chorus and middle 8.
11. You Won�t See Me � SI onto take 2
Paul on bass, Ringo on hi-hat, John and George on vocals, and Mal on organ, plus what appears to be a double-tracked piano at the end.
12. Girl � Take 2
The lead guitar at the end is from the last overdub, possibly George and John playing in unison.
13. Girl � SI onto take 2
John�s first lead vocal plus lead guitar from George.
14. Girl � SI onto take 2
A stereo vocal track with first vocal on the left and backing vocals on the right as well as George doubling his guitar part.
15. Wait � Take 4
This is how the song sounded when it was left unfinished during the Help sessions.
16. Wait � SI onto take 4
John and Paul add vocals, George on guitar, Ringo on tambourine and someone on maracas.
17. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 4
Paul�s first lead vocal accompanied on one line by John, George on guitar, Ringo on Hammond.
18. I�m Looking Through You � SI onto take 4
Paul and John double their vocals, Ringo plays another Hammond part (filling in a missed chord at 1:34 and doubling the outro part), and percussion by George(?).
Nov 16th 1965 � Studio One, 2:30-5:30pm
19. I�m Looking Through You � Mono mix
20. You Won�t See Me � Mono mix
21. Girl � Mono mix
22. Wait � Mono mix
23. Wait � Stereo mix
24. I�m Looking Through You � Stereo mix
25. You Won�t See Me � Stereo mix
26. Girl � Stereo mix
27. The Word � Stereo mix RS2
28. Michelle � Mono mix RM2
Have this type of collection for every Beatles album. Let me know if interested
Happy Jack Notes
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Happy Jack
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