The Beatles – Attack Of The Filler Beebs! Episode Two (The Middling)
Lineage: SilverCDs--> EAC(secure)--> Flac--> HungerCity!
Label: Silent Sea – SS 002
unknown programme 05/02/1964?
1. Beatles and someone chat - 2:12
The Beatles discuss their recent Paris trip and upcoming American one.
"Saturday Club" 07/02/1964
2. coverage of Plaza Hotel arrival - 1:05
3. Beatles and Brian Matthew phone chat - 4:58
Brian, in London, talks to the Beatles in their New York hotel room, getting their first impressions of America.
"Saturday Club" 22/02/1964
4. Beatles and Brian Matthew phone chat - 4:06
Brian, in the "Saturday Club" studio, talks to the Beatles at Heathrow Airport, as they arrive back in Britain.
"From Us To You" #2, 28/02/1964
5. John, Paul and Alan Freeman chat - 0:38
This bit was incomplete on the "Complete" box set.
"The Public Ear" 18/03/1964
6. Ringo responds to Barbara Garnet's plea - 0:22
7. John, George and Ringo chat - 2:06
8. George and Ringo read the credits - 0:42
George interviews Ringo about John's book, and the author reads "Alec Speaking".
"Saturday Club" 31/03/1964
9. Beatles and Brian Matthew chat - 2:01
10. Paul, George and Brian chat - 2:00
These interviews were incomplete on the box set.
"Top Gear" July 1964
11. Paul, George and Ringo promo session - 2:15
12. George and Ringo promo spot - 0:26
A home recording, at Tony Hall's apartment, with more posh voicings from Paul.
"Top Gear" 14/07/1964
13. Things We Said Today - 2:20
14. John, Paul, Ringo and Brian Matthew chat - 1:16
15. A Hard Day's Night - 2:34
The first two are more complete than the versions on the box set, while the third features alternate outro chat.
"From Us To You" #3, 17/07/1964
16. I'm Happy Just To Dance With You - 2:01
17. Things We Said Today - 2:35
18. I Should Have Known Better - 2:40
19. A Hard Day's Night - 2:31
From the session tape, but not included in the box set.
unknown programme 28/07/1964
20. Beatles and Klas Burling chat - 0:14
21. Ringo and Klas chat - 0:42
22. Paul and Klas chat - 1:07
23. Paul and Klas chat - 0:40
24. John, Paul and Klas chat - 0:44
25. George and Klas chat - 0:14
A bonus non-BBC session. Recorded in Stockholm by Radio Sweden.
"Top Gear" 17/11/1964
26. I Feel Fine, false start - 0:50
27. I Feel Fine, partial, before overdub - 1:08
28. Beatles and Brian Matthew chat - 3:00
29. Honey Don't - 3:05
The "Complete" box set omitted the pre-overdub "I Feel Fine", and it only included the edited versions of the last two tracks.
"Pop Inn" 13/04/1965
30. Beatles and Brian Matthew chat - 1:54
At Twickenham during filming, they discuss John's new book, writing a musical, painting the Palace, another US tour and folk music.
unknown programme June 1965?
31. Paul chat - 0:32
Paul answers a Brian Matthew query about "Michelle" as an a-side.
"The World Of Books" 16/06/1965
32. John and Wilfred De'Ath chat - 4:15
Automatic piers, influences, awareness and "The Fat Budgie".
"Today" 16/06/1965
33. Beatles read "The National Health Cow" - 0:41
The boys plug John's new book.
"The Beatles" 30/07/1965
34. John, Paul, George and Dibbs Mather chat - 1:12
35. John, Paul, George and Dibbs chat - 0:50
36. John, Paul, George and Dibbs chat - 1:27
They discuss future plans and their image, the new film and acting and life if not Beatles and how they've stopped improving on stage.
"The Beatles Abroad" August 1965
37. George and Brian Matthew chat - 1:11
38. John and Brian chat - 2:15
39. Paul and Brian chat - 2:49
40. George and Brian chat - 1:35
41. Ringo and Brian chat - 1:15
42. John and Brian chat - 0:53
George on Shea; John on Shea; Paul on the future, the musical and standards; George on the rigours of touring and getting out at night in London; Ringo on Beatles wives and John off American food.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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