Beck, Bogert, & Appice - October 8, 1972 (AUD - from "Let Me Love You" Liberated Bootleg, Oh Boy label - 63 Minutes Long) Jahrhunderthalle H�chst, Frankfurt am Main, West Germany
Contrast Clause: Previously a version of this show was offered at:
That version is from a known "2nd Gen" source, & is from a different/alternate source (Different Taper, & Different Recording Equipment).
The version being offered here is from a Liberated Bootleg "Let Me Love You", Oh Boy label.
Not A Contrast Clause: Previously a version of this show was offered at: (no longer active on tracker)
That version is from a known "Master" source, & is from a different/alternate source (Different Taper, & Different Recording Equipment).
That version is also claimed to be a 3rd (different/alternate) Source.
This is not a RESEED, but is a newly prepared 2013 offer.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Jeff Beck.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!
Beck, Bogert, & Appice .... October 8, 1972
Jahrhunderthalle H�chst, Frankfurt am Main, West Germany
Jeff Beck - guitar, vocals
Tim Bogert - bass, vocals
Carmine Appice - drums, vocals
Taper, Taping Gear/Equipment, Transfer, & Trade: ??unknown??
Source: from "Let Me Love You" Liberated Bootleg, Oh Boy label matrix #1-9029
Lineage: "AUD" Trade CDR> (wav) 2013 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Quality: vg+ "AUD"
Length: 8 tracks = 62:53 minutes
Artwork: included, from Black & White copies & scan, also alternate artwork added.
Samples: none.
Set List:
01 - (short cut in) Superstition
02 - Livin' Alone> Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You> People Get Ready
03 - Lady
04 - Morning Dew> Drum Solo
05 - Plynth> Shotgun> Bass Solo>
06 - Plynth
07 - Let Me Love You
08 - Jeff's Boogie (including Beverly Hillbillies' Theme, cut)
Note: One thing I've learned over the many years of collecting, Oh Boy label bootlegs sound really nice, but usually the information on their titles are incorrect. If anyone has any correct information to share about this offer or Liberated Bootleg, please share it with us all.
Support the artists: Purchase releases, etc.
Keep this lossless, do not convert to lossy (mp3, etc.)
Prepared by Jeffrey James (
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8efc6dae1144f322afac4019aee50910 *bba1972-10-08AUD(LetMeLoveYou-boot-63m)T08.flac
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: