An Acoustic Evening With Ben Harper
Ben Harper
09 November 2012
Brisbane Convention Centre
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Track Listing:
01 - Diamonds On The Inside
02 - Masterpiece
03 - Sexual Healing
04 - Mutt
05 - Pleasure And Pain
06 - Blessed To Be A Witness
07 - Amen Omen
08 - Younger Than Today
09 - Forever
10 - I Shall Not Walk Alone
11 - Excuse Me Mr
12 - Happy Birthday To Ben
13 - With My Own Two Hands
14 - Fight Outta You
15 - Indifference (Pearl Jam cover)
16 - Another Lonely Day
17 - Walk Away
18 - Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen/Jeff Buckley cover)
19 - Burn One Down
20 - Trying Not To Fall In Love With You
21 - Atlantic City
22 - When She Believes
23 - Waiting On An Angel
24 - Power Of The Gospel
25 - Please Bleed
SP-BMC-1 > LS-10
LS-10 > Audacity > Fade In/Out > Normalize > CD Wave (Tracking) > FLAC
I've done minimal editing to the recording, only doing fades in/out and normalizing to -0.1db. Any EQ, compression etc that people want, they will need to do themselves.
Throughout the show Ben tells a lot of long and interesting stories, but I chose not to cut them into individual tracks, the exception being where the crowd sung Happy Birthday for Ben's birthday a few weeks back.
The show itself was incredible and intimate. Ben's performance was excellent and he was humble and grateful as always.
Unfortunately this is one of those shows were every idiot had to yell and get their own two cents in throughout the show.
Ben did however engage with some of the crowd members during some of the funny or interesting remarks.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: