Artist: The Bevis Frond
Date: 2012-09-08 (8 september 2012)
Venue: The 100 Club
City: London
Country: England, United Kingdom
Lineage: CA-11 mics > CA-STC 9000 preamp > Zoom H4 @ 24bit/96Khz (Kingston 4GB SD-card)
Recording position: about 2 meters from stage, centre; about 4,5 meters from left and right ceiling mounted PA stacks
Processing: SD-card > Hard disc > Soundsaver (cutting file into tracks and conversion to 16bit/44.1Khz) > Levels raised about 4 dB with Peak Express > Converted to Flac level 8 with xAct, aligned on Sector Boundries > files tagged with xAct.
Because the Zoom H4 has a file-size limit of 2GB track 10. Superseded was cut in two. I have joined both parts, but apparently some music was lost, so there is a glitch at about 12min08 sec.
For people who want to do a different/better job, I included the original files, numbered 10a and 10b, in a separate subdirectory.
Alas, the capacity of the SD-card did not suffice for the whole concert, it cuts after about 40 seconds of the first encore-song, track 22. Too Kind. Hence, the last encore-song, track 23. Down In The Well, was not recorded
I have included a subdirectory with a few photos I took, if somebody wants to create artwork, please do so (and post in a comment).
01. [Introduction]
02. Opening Jam
03. Reanimation
04. Speedboat
05. She's Entitled To
06. [Banter- reading glasses]
07. He'd Be A Diamond
08. Begone (new song from the forthcoming album…..)
09. London Stone
10. Superseded
11. High On A Downer
12. Why Have You Been Fighting Me?
13. Confusion Days
14. Red Hair
15. [Banter]
16. Lights Are Changing
17. Reflections In A Tall Mirror
18. Stain On The Sun
19. [Banter - audition]
20. High In A Flat
21. [Band introduction > encore applause > banter]
22. Too Kind [Cuts after about 40.7 seconds]
23. Down In The Well [Not recorded]
Line up:
Nick Saloman - guitar, vocals
Paul Simmons - guitar
Adrian Shaw - bass, vocals
Dave Pearce - drums
shared on Dime by marinus 2012-09-16