Big Wheel Racer
Deep Blues Festival
Washington County Fairgrounds
Lake Elmo, MN

Cannon MiniDV>MT>audacity>cdwav>flacfrontend

01 Shipwreck *
02 Fooled You Twice
03 ?

* cut beg

Not on the festival line-up, Tony showed up at day two of
the fest wanting to play in the parking lot as people entered
the fest. I suggested he just set up in front of the stage
and do an opening set for a half hour before the scheduled
artists began. I'm not encouraging bands to just show up
at the fest and think they'll play, but you never know if
you're in the right place at the right time.

We were setting up the first bands of the day on the stages, so
we didn't have him running through the PA. Also, I didn't get the
camera started until half way through his set. This is all I have.
To be complete, I'm including what I have in this series. Enjoy.

Day two of three of the 2nd annual Deep Blues Festival.
1st performer of 18 for the day.
49 performances total during the weekend.

The largest outsider and alternative blues event in the world,
the Deep Blues Festival was created to celebrate and bring
awareness to these unique bands. A mix of many styles and genres,
all these bands are performing their idea of the blues or music
influenced by the blues. Purists may not agree. We aren't
out to argue with anyone, just trying to spread the word about
music we enjoy. We call it the Deep Blues.

Commerical Release warning!
A festival compilation may be released by Alive Records of the 50
festival performers. We hope it does. This was an open taping event.

Please support these bands purchasing their recordings and seeing
them live. Find out about the Deep Blues Festival at
