BILLY COBHAM Spectrum 40 @ Jazznojazz festival 2013

recorded at Grosser Saal, Gessnerallee Z�rich, SWITZERLAND, on wednesday 30 October 2013

Dean Brown - guitar
Gary Husband - keyboards
Ric Fierabracci - bass
Billy Cobham - drums

with this "new" project colby is celebrating his past, but indeed it mainly sounds as his Glass Manageries (thus not bad at all!), and it can't compete with his proper Spectrum album, as the good players here are not those legendary names Bolin and Hammer (and the cameo of ron carter...) Also included in the folder, marked as track 00, a short radio introduction in GERMAN, with bio notes and commentaries - it runs for 2'31", you can skip downloading it if you don't understand german. �Spectrum�-Album von 1973 war ein Meilenstein in der Entwicklung des Jazz-Rocks. Der muskul�se Tornado-Schlagzeuger aus Panama wurde damit �ber Nacht zu einer Kultfigur. Und blieb es bis heute.

(00-radio introduction by Beat Blaser) 2.31
01 Sphere of Influence [fierabracci] 7.14
02 Radioactive [billy cobham/ dean brown] 5.44
03 Stratus [billy cobham] 10.25
04 If The Animals Had Guns Too [gary husband] 5.13
05 introductions by cobham 2.52
06 To The Women of My Life [billy cobham] 7.14
07 Le Lis [billy cobham] 5.19
08 Fragolino [billy cobham] 8.39
09 Red Baron [billy cobham] 9.37
10 radio outro 0.27

running time : 62'17" (without radio intro and outro)
WITH radio intro and outro, it would be 65'16"

radiobroadcast by SRF2 Kultur "Jazz Live", friday 06 december 2013, 22.38 Uhr
Mit dem Namen Billy Cobham verbindet man ein riesiges Drumset mit unz�hligen Trommeln und ebenso vielen Becken, und einen Mann mit Stirnband, der dies alles in Bewegung h�lt. Zugleich!
Billy Cobham spielt heute noch mit derselben Energie wie vor 40 Jahren.
Bildlegende: Billy Cobham spielt heute noch mit derselben Energie wie vor 40 Jahren. Reuters
40 Jahre nach seinen bekannten Platten �Spectrum� und �Crosswinds� auf denen er damals seinen Kollegen den Tarif erkl�rte, sitzt ein gealterter Billy Cobham hinter einem nicht minder grossen Set und spielt mit derselben Energie wie eh und je. Wie wenn die Zeit bei ihm stehen geblieben w�re! Mit seiner hochvirtuosen Band liess er am Jazznojazz den alten Sound aufleben.
Billy Cobham exklusiv auf - In einer dreiteiligen Interviewreihe erz�hlt der Meister �ber sein Jahrhundertalbum �Spectrum�, sein Instrument, und seine Karriere.

Lineage (recorded and kindly uploaded by mr. Lewojazz):
dvb-s > Humax PVR800 Digital Satellite Receiver/Recorder > single mp2 file [MPEG 1.0 Layer-2; 48,000 Hz Stereo; 256kbps] > dropbox/rapidshare > editing with mp3DirectCut 2.10 by survivor69 > mp2 tracks - LOSSY SOURCE SEEDED ON ORIGINAL LOSSY CODEC

firstly upped by survivor69 on, 9-december-2013 (dimeupload #1042)
note that due to disk space limitations, I will not be able to keep seeding this torrent for a long time - I will abandon the seed in a few days, maybe remove from HD these wav/flac files, and keep only my own CDR. Too many things to upload. In case of seeders going missing, enlist yourself as a leecher and some seeder will come back, and you are anyhow welcome to try and ask for additional torrenting...
checksum file included - if uploaded on other trackers or reseed (and you are welcome to do both), please include original infofile and also do not change FOLDER name. Also, if not satisfied with my offering, you are welcome to remaster/retrack/whatever and repost, but please always clearly state where/who did you have this material from and keep original infofile. IF YOU ARE THEN OFFERING THIS SET ON YOUR BLOG AS mp3's, PLEASE SPECIFY WHERE TO ALSO GET THE ORIGINAL LOSSLESS FILES