Birth Of Joy
Sputnikcafe, Muenster, Germany
May - 02 - 2014
(21:00 -> 22:30)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance/boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Taped by yours truly at first row dead center. Nothing really annoying on this recording, though I think the venue sound was a bit...strange...not the best system...
A few hollers and screams from the enthusiastic audience (and that in Muenster...strange as well), but that just adds a nice colour to the recording.
Thanks to MIRO for backup taping with our new additional gear, as he thought I would be "schwaecheln", but not on this fantastic band...Some crappy pix and the only
(signed) setlist are included as well...
Oh yeah, dear fellow explorers of the mighty great unknown orbits of music and space, I really had a blast yesterday. I saw the poster announcing this gig about a month ago,
when I went to the ALTERNA SOUNDS FESTIVAL, and was immediately conviced as I read something about "Psychedelic Organ Rock". And even more amazing: From Holland/Nederland...
Another amazing band just jumped on my mind: DE WOLFF, a simply amazing trio with the (almost) same setup. Well, and then there was this fantastic recording by TREKK from
the April 8th show in Bordeaux, France, here on DIME. I had to go...
Due to work, road troubles and red traffic lights all the way, I arrived almost just in time for showtime at lovely "Haverkamp Partymile" in Muenster...and was nearly devasted
that there were only 10-15 people showing up...What a horrible thing for a band like this, I thought...but Muenster citizens seem to be correctly timed germans, so the room
filled up during the first song to an approximately 60-70, so at least enough room for everybody, but well crowded. And those there really went NUTZ!
Anyway, what about the show? Very different to the music of DE WOLFF, of course. I can't really figure out all the influences of these very very nice young guys from Utrecht,
so I'll concentrate on the organ only (please forgive me Kevin and Bob)...It was all in there...some JON LORD, CHICK CHURCHILL, BRIAN AUGER, RAY MANZAREK as well (if you can hear
the funky rhodes) HERBIE HANCOCK as well...Quie massive surprising, and I really urge you to catch this band one day or another. That almost 90 minutes were simply GREAT!
They touring on and off here and there throught the coming months, as they are soon in Toronto, Canada, and many shows in France as well, and - ups - before I forget to mention,
PINKPOP as well. I'll catch them on the SUNDAY NIGHT BLOWOUT at BURG HERZBERG FESTIVAL and that'll be a nice one.
But now, let's get on with show...SB.
FULL SHOW (82:20 min.)
01. Grow (3:41)
02. Mad men (3:04)
03. Teeny bopping (4:26)
04. Envy (5:18)
05. Motel money a way (5:18)
06. Three day road (5:24)
07. Dead being alive (7:14)
08. Devil's paradise (9:51)
09. How it goes (3:31)
10. Clean cut (5:12)
11. Rock and Roll show (4:25)
12. Holding on (7:39)
13. The sound (6:04)
--- Encore ---
14. Make things happen (11:23)
15. Know where to run (5:00)
taped and uploaded with permission by the band.
thanks to Gertjan for the setlist and Kevin for additions (see pic).
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that give you this music!
If you rotten gouda cheese until you burst!
BIRTH OF JOY for your pleasure...
KEVIN STUNNENBERG - Fender Stratocaster, vocals
GERTJAN GUTMAN - organ grinder
BOB HOGENELST - donner drums, harmony vocals
Uploaded by Spacebandit to DIME 2014/05/03.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
BirthOfJoy2014-05-02SputnikcafeMuensterGermany (8).JPG
BirthOfJoy2014-05-02SputnikcafeMuensterGermany (9).JPG