Burg Herzberg Festival 2014
Freak City/Breitenbach, Hessen, Germany
August - 03 - 2014
Freak Stage (app. 21:00 -> 22:40)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> ZOOM H2n (WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance+boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly (unfortunately without the aid of a barstool/bartable) at front row almost dead center (about 1 meter to the right) with the mics comfortably resting on a
Grateful Dead-Hoody hung above the ceiling. This recording has almost nothing to complain about. Picture perfect, at least to my rotten ears. A few carppy pics are included as well.
Where to start? A rather 2.5 hours drive to meet the friends in the village below the HOLY MOUNTAIN but a quite very entertaining seven hours in a line waiting to get pulled up
by some tractors through the muddy grounds of the HOLY MOUNTAIN. And it was a real good time in line! Never did I have experienced such a joyful afternoon with unknown lovers of this
mighty fabulous festival in pure joy and fun (and without any mindalterting things!) that those seven hours seed to be like seven minutes! Until I got my car pulled over that muddy ground.
That was where the fun stopped, but luckily the old Ford Mondeo survived once more. Most likely it was "his" last journey to any festival, driven me safely through the past ten years from
show to show. And sometimes to "work"...
My personal BIG thanks are to our campground-crew: Olaf+Alexandra from Hannover, Klaus from Dortmund, Uwe from Kaiserslautern area, the great acoustic guitar slinger Martin from
Bochum, and, of course, my dear brother and lovely sister-in-law M+M for having a real good time! Thanks for support, kindness and love!
Grateful thanks also to my taping buddies Propylaen, kurzrefe and Sunhair for company and support, to all the other tapers I met for nice talk and fun. Of course to fellow psychonaut
Markus from Wetter/Ruhr for backing me up with "silence" at various shows! Amazing to meet such a gentle person! See you soon! All the other nice people I met,like Ralph, Arne and Annelise,
Freddy, Uli, DrIncluding and all I may have forgotten...
At last a real big thanks to the HERZBERG crew, kind security, and the boys and tractorgirls who pulled us up there! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Oh, btw...NO thanks to the asshole chatters at the Patti Smith show 2nd row left side, which made me stop recording for the first time in 12 years of taping! YOU FAGGOTS SUCK! BUGGER OFF!
To all the others...see you again in 2015 at the HOLY MOUNTAIN! SB
HOLY SHIT! What did these guys put into their bodies since the show I witnessed and taped in M�nster almost to the day 3 months ago? 'cause I need that! Oh, well, even the band did not tell
me a real awser. It just maybe the working up the road from date to date, and finally blowing up all speakers and the mind of the audience in a full force 90 minute set.
And luckiy me it was at the HOLY MOUNTAIN!
Sometimes I've been gracious to bands about their performance, but this time the smile on my face never left a single moment. In my ears and mind this was the most powerful and somehow
almost the best show on BURG HERZBERG FESTIVAL 2014. And I was happy not to attend the major KRAAN show on the Main Stage, like almost all the other men/women from my group. Otherwise
you'll not getting this IN YOUR FACE - MADE LOUD TO BE PLAYED LOUD tape.
What about the music? You like some heavy 70's rock? You like a demon witzzard on the drums? You like a real organ grinder? And all exploding in a dirty ass rock and roll?
You'll find all this here and much beyond. The most energetic act at this festival. Hope you will like it, so fasten your seatbelts, lighten one up, and off we go...SB.
taped and uploaded with permission by the band!
FULL SHOW (94:21 min.)
01. Soundcheck (3:33)
02. ... (3:14)
03. Teeny boppin' (4:23)
04. Mad men (3:01)
05. Clean cut (4:37)
06. Rock and roll show (3:37)
07. Three day road (7:06)
08. Devil's paradise (12:43)
09. Grow (4:11)
10. Motel money a away (6:49)
11. The sound (5:45)
12. Make things happen (10:10)
13. How it goes (3:44)
14. Know where to run (4:29)
15. Backdoor man -> Five to one -> Backdoor man (7:53) *
16. ... (9:00)
* you know that from THE DOORS...
sorry during the massive amount of music lovers to purchase their merch, I could not save the setlist...
so, this is my guess at this show time I'll work more properly...promised!
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that give you this music!
If you rotten gouda cheese until you burst!
BIRTH OF JOY for your pleasure...
KEVIN STUNNENBERG - Fender Stratocaster, vocals
GERTJAN GUTMAN - organ grinder
BOB HOGENELST - "donner" drums, harmony vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebadit 2014/08/12.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
BirthOfJoy2014-08-03BurgHerzbergFestivalHessenGermany (7).JPG
BirthOfJoy2014-08-03BurgHerzbergFestivalHessenGermany (8).JPG
BirthOfJoy2014-08-03BurgHerzbergFestivalHessenGermany (9).JPG