Festsaal K4, Nuernberg, Germany
April - 11 - 2016
"Get well Tour 2016"
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 282
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 -> Olympus LS11 (@ WAV 16/44) -> MemoryCard -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by the FUZZMAN close to the stage right side of stage. A rather mediocre recording, as the system sound at the Festsaal, the big location at K4 wasn't really fine.
As you can image from the pics included, the band felt rather "lost" on such a big stage with Kevin far outside left stage. Maybe they felt the same, so they cut the show
short with no encores played as on other locations...
Besides the mentioned sound problems, this is another high engery show from one of the leading dutch (or european) heavy 70's psych bands. My friends in Nuernberg really enjoyed (sic!)
the show, especially the organ and fender rhodes sound from Gertjan. Well, I've already had the pleasure to experience them a few times before and - yes indeed - I was a bit pissed
that the didn't play my homearea like Muenster or Bielefeld or Osnabrueck on this tour, on which they are promoting their 3rd studio album (plus one great live album) "Get well"
all over Europe. Hmmm, maybe next time or in autumn...Meanwhile I think you'll like this one and take your chance to catch them if they play close to your city...SB.
FULL SHOW (96:35 min.)
01. You got me howling (4:08)
02. Blisters (3:25)
03. Choose sides (3:52)
04. Meet me at the bottom -> (4:18)
05. Devil's paradise -> (6:31)
06. Envy (5:05)
07. Grow (3:47)
08. Motel money away (10:20)
09. Those who are away (4:25)
10. Numb (11:59)
11. Dead being alive (11:10)
12. Rockn Roll show (incl. drum solo) (8:05)
13. Three day road (8:15)
14. Make things happen (11:10)
the usual facebook/bandcamp ect. sites...
Support this fantastic band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this music for free
If you rotten gouda cheese until you burst!
BIRTH OF JOY for your pleasure...
KEVIN STUNNENBERG - Fender Stratocaster, vocals
GERTJAN GUTMAN - organ grinder
BOB HOGENELST - "donner" drums, harmony vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebadit 2016/04/15
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: