The Black Crowes
Laguna Seca Days Music Festival
Laguna Seca Recreation Area
Monterey, CA
May 27, 1995
(Opened for Bob Dylan)
** 16 BIT **
Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6P w/3-way lo-cut filter, position unknown (most likely @ 80hz, middle setting) > Sony WM-D6
Transfer: Master cassettes (Maxell XL-IIS 100m) > Denon 790R > Kenwood A-522 amplifier > Kenwood GE-622 Equalizer > .WAV @ 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 (Build 299) [iZotope Mastering Suite (declick); minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav tracking) >
Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging)
Location: about 50 ft. from the stage, DFC, FOB
Recorded & transferred by: Steve "ballsdeep" Hagar
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
01 Black Moon Jam >
02 Black Moon Creeping
03 Gone
04 Sting Me
05 Title Song
06 Jam >
07 My Morning Song
08 Chat
09 Seeing Things
10 Wiser Time
11 Jealous Again
12 Mellow Down Easy
13 Hard To Handle
14 Chat
15 Remedy
16 Outro (1)
(1) The announcer says "One final thank you, please. Let's hear it for Counting...Black Crowes".
Chris Robinson - lead vocals & harp
Rich Robinson - guitars & backing vocals
Marc Ford - guitars & backing vocals
Johnny Colt - bass & backing vocals
Ed Harsch - keyboards
Steve Gorman - drums
Venue Notes:
A racetrack that became a concert stage for a weekend, the Crowes played with the sun to their backs and the crowd to their faces, sandwiched
between George Clinton (who I ran tape for) and Bob Dylan (who I didn't)...this show was a NO TAPING show (as per Dylan, hence why that mumbly
fecker didn't get taped), so apologies are accepted for my scrotum and the like...
Recording Notes:
My FAVORITE Steve "drum sound" ever, he sounds like Bonham and then some. From the opening strains of the BMC jam, the band is on freakin' FIRE
for a "festival" gig. "Title Song" is a total treat, and even "Mellow Down Easy" is like fire on the mountain. A MUST have if you're into "band
Rating: 10/10
Mastering Notes:
Some very minor wind noise noticeable between songs.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: