The Black Crowes
Robinson Auditorium
Little Rock, AR
December 3, 1996

** 16 BIT **

Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6P w/3-way lo-cut filter, position unknown (most likely @ 80hz, middle setting) > Sony WM-D6
Transfer: Master cassettes (Maxell XL-IIS 100m) > Denon 790R > Kenwood A-522 amplifier > Kenwood GE-622 Equalizer > .WAV @ 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 (Build 299) [iZotope Mastering Suite (declick); minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav (tracking) >
Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging)
Location: 20th row, DFC, (THANKS Kevin t-shirt guy!!!)
Recorded & transferred by: Steve "ballsdeep" Hagar
Mastered by: Dennis Orr

01 Nebakanezer
02 Peace Anyway Jam >
03 My Morning Song
04 Tied Up And Swallowed
05 Hotel Illness
06 Descending
07 Girl From The North Country
08 Downtown Money Waster >
09 Share The Ride
10 He Was A Friend Of Mine
11 Sting Me
12 Title Song
13 Blackberry
14 No Speak No Slave
15 Encore Break
- Encore -
16 Big Time
17 Jealous Again

Chris Robinson - lead vocals & harp
Rich Robinson - guitars & backing vocals
Marc Ford - guitars & backing vocals
Johnny Colt - bass & backing vocals
Ed Harsch - keyboards
Steve Gorman - drums

Steve's Show Notes (edited from his Crowesbase post):
- Gov't Mule opened
- The Robinson Auditorium is VERY nondescript on the outside (drove around for an hour past that "courthouse looking building" before figuring it
out), but solid on the inside, GREAT acoustics.
- While the set looks short, it was a really amazing performance. ALL of the Crowes sat in at the end of Mule's set for a very moving "I Shall
Be Released" (the only other time they did this was for one of the Philly shows). "My Morning Song" was purely savage, and "Tied Up And
Swallowed" just kept it going. The double-shot of Dylan was a surprise treat, AND to have "Title Song" also PLUS "Big Time" in the encore, this
is another top 10 show from the '96 run.
Rating : 9/10