The Black Crowes
4th & B
San Diego, CA
December 14, 1996
** 16 BIT **
Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6P w/3-way lo-cut filter, position unknown (most likely @ 80hz, middle setting) > Sony WM-D6
Transfer: Master cassettes (Maxell XL-IIS 100m) > Denon 790R > Kenwood A-522 amplifier > Kenwood GE-622 Equalizer > .WAV @ 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 (Build 299) [iZotope Mastering Suite (declick); minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav (tracking) >
Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging)
Location: GA floor, DFC, NO thanks to Taller (long story)
Recorded & transferred by: Steve "ballsdeep" Hagar
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
01 No Speak No Slave
02 Stare It Cold >
03 Three Little Birds
04 High Head Blues > Jam
05 Chris's Rant
06 Sting Me (Slow)
07 Descending
08 Spider In The Sugar Bowl Blues
09 Hotel Illness
10 P.25 London
11 Title Song
12 Black Moon Jam > Life Vest Jam >
13 Black Moon Creeping
14 Ballad In Urgency
15 One Hundred Years From Now
16 Sister Luck
17 A Conspiracy
18 Encore Break
- Encore -
19 She
20 Remedy
Chris Robinson - lead vocals & harp
Rich Robinson - guitars & backing vocals
Marc Ford - guitars & backing vocals
Johnny Colt - bass & backing vocals
Ed Harsch - keyboards
Steve Gorman - drums
R.I.P. Ed Harsch: May 27, 1957 � November 4, 2016
Steve's Show Notes (edited from his Crowesbase post):
- Gov't Mule opened
- Chris Robinson summed up the venue WAY better than I ever could..
- This show was amazing in the simple sense that even though it was the TSAOC tour, not a single song from that album was played. From the
opening strains of "No Speak No Slave" any experienced Crowes fan could tell this night was going to be different..."special" not so much. But
when Chris tore into the club owner a few songs in, it ALL made sense (see: Chris-ism's). "One Hundred Years From Now" was a highlight, hands
down...but nothing like the next night
Rating : 9/10
(after "No Speak No Slave"
"Well you know Rich and I's parents are out of town. I'm glad you could all come to our basement."
(after "High Head Blues")
"Hey uh, if you guys have a minute, I just, I just thought of something really interesting, and I want to like, uh, talk to you, so uh...{cheers
start}...No, no cheering or stuff, wait till I'm finished...
It's really interesting, you know, the longer we go out and play music, and we're really happy you're here, but check this out: The people who
own this building, and the people who work here, it's their job to keep everything together...but, they also want to take your money {cheers
start building}, yet they want you to come in here and buy their fucking drinks, and buy the ticket, and all that shit.
I mean, you know, I know...I know that the money goes around, and we appreciate it, but they are getting paid too, you know...and they want to
tell you what to do and I see all these security guards telling people what to do... And that is FINE! And you know why?
Because they have to, because some people can't keep it together enough for it to equal itself out. {cheers}
And I don't know if the owner of this place thinks it's his fuckin', you know, "mission in life" to take your money and tell you not to smoke or
whatever...I don't give a shit, we'll never play here again after tonight, {MAJOR cheering}, but, you can't blame the security guards if you
can't keep it know what I'm saying? 'Cuz they're just doin' their gig, that's their gig, you know... So you know, it's like,
it' can't win either way, you understand? It's a catch-22...and it's only the fuckin, the people, it's you who make that fucking change,
you see? You understand what I'm sayin'? {cheers}"
Mastering Notes:
- Tape flip during the applause after "Hotel Illness", no music lost.
- Tape flip during the "Encore Break" applause.