The Black Crowes
Live in Seattle, WA
Bumbershoot Festival
Sat. September 1, 2001
September 11, 2012 RESEED
I'm going through all of my oldest Dime posted torrents and reseeding them. This one finally was removed in march of 2008, so I must have posted it earlier than that...
To quote the DimeBot's email notification to me that my original torrent was being deleted:
QUOTE: DimeBot
A torrent has been removed from DIME.
Torrent: 177599
Title: The Black Crowes Sept 1, 2001 Bumbershoot Seattle WA Audioarchivist Analog Master
Deleted by: DIME Robot
Days on tracker: 78
Last status: 66 times snatched
Exceeding inactivity
Take care!
So this is a repost of my original torrent, now including all the relevant pictures, text files, log files, etc. for this recording. It was a special weekend for me, and I hope you enjoy this part of it. below are my original notes as they appear in the torrent - spelling warts and all! Good times! Rock on!
The Black Crowes live onstage > PA system, monitor speakers, and live sound through the outdoor air > either a Sony PC62 or a Sony ECM-DS70P stereo condenser microphone in my hat > Sony WM DC3 Professional Cassette Recording Walkman > Maxell XL-II 90 master tapes > Dolby ON type 2 bias for recording. Playback on Denon DRM500 deck azimuth adjusted Dolby OFF type 1 bias > Sentrek analog EQ (bass warmth and air-y highs) > Soundblaster 16-bit card (grounded and tweaked) > Wavelab 4.0 (tracking and small fades) > CDR > EAC secure extraction > TLH > FLAC8 > TTD > YOU!
After seeing their show in Vancouver, B.C. the night before and being so impressed, I felt compelled to follow them to Seattle. As I told you in the info for the Vancouver show, I had seen them in Seattle and Vancouver way back in 1990, and I personally had a very rough night the day before this show, so I was very happy to go for a 3 day weekend of concert attendance! I also got to see Ratdog play and a very energetic show by "Diamond" David Lee Roth! Quite a wild weekend! It almost made up for the shitty experience of getting robbed at knifepoint in my convenience store job the day before. Quite a contrast of experiences in a couple of days!
I was stunned at how many taping rigs were at these shows. Huge mics on 20 or 30 foot stands. Nagra recorders, all manner of DAT machines, a bloody mixer! Mucho dinero! I almost felt out of place with my cruddy little Sony WM DC3. I got on tape what they couldn't get - proximity! I stood about 15 or 20 rows of standing people away from the front of the stage, which was set up on something like a big outdoor football field-ish stadium. When I looked behind me, the soundboard and the open tapers must have been a couple hundred feet behind me. Of course there's more obnoxious crowd noises of drunken festivalgoers who aren't there as fans of TBC, but as rowdy party animals out for anything! What there also is in my (is it called FOB - front of board) recording is a more immediate stage sound, I think. Stealth hat mounted mics and pocket-sized gear over the $25 000+ rig! Well, maybe not, but I was happy with my results.
I originally made this as a 3-disc package for these two shows, Vancouver and Seattle. Each show is a full disc and a part of another. If I had it all to do over, I might edit this differently, but for now this is the only digital version of my analog tapes. I mastered this before I thought of making data backups of anything. There was only the single CDR copy burned, and the wav files deleted from the HDD. EAC seemed to have no problems secure reading them, and they seem to sound fine. There may have been other tapers at these shows, especially the Seattle show (many big rigs), but this is my tape, and this was my only CDR copy ever made. Vancouver's disc one is a little long at a bit over 81 minutes, but most burners will do the overburn fine. If yours doesn't, you'll have to figure out a new track running order. Hard to break up for discs!
I've split the shared disc up to make the set into its 2 concerts to torrent as individual shows. If you grab both concerts, you can assemble the shared disc tracks again. I now notice I mixed the day/month/year and month/day/year formats up a bit. You can still figure out which one it is, though. Oops!
I also tracked some songs a little funny. You'll notice a few songs like "Thorn In My Pride" has 1, 2 after them. The song went on a tangent, and a jam, and back. One long song - several parts.
I've made scans of some artworthy things like master tapes, autographed tickets, original tape and cdr covers, handbills and stickers, etc., as well as including some photos I got from the site. I am pictured in one of them! I also include some text files from there reviewing the show. If you are a Photoshop friendly person and you make up some real covers for this release, please post them where you got this, and please email them to me as well. I love to get artworx for my recordings! Thanks!
If you look below, you will see the song listing. Please don't EnCrap these songs to MP3 files or any other lossy formats, unless it's just for your own use and you sign an oath in blood that you will guard those MPcrap files with your life! Better yet, just SMASH YOUR IPOD, YOU FESTERING NERD! Friends don't let friends listen lossy! Share these files freely, but do not alter the original files in any way. If you're going to Re-Torrent, make new files and add them to these pre-existing ones. Keep this torrent backwards compatible. Keep all these files together, and add your NEW files to this folder. Don't Re-Master, except for your own use. It only makes sense to do a fresh master from the original tapes again one day in 24/96, so wait for that!
Thanks for listening, and look for the other part of this set : The Black Crowes - Live in Vancouver, B.C Orpheum Theatre Friday August 31, 2001
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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BlackCrowes2001-09-01BumbershootSeattleWA (9).jpg