Black Crowes
Winstar Casino
Thackerville OK
September 27 2013
Source: SP-CMC-08s Card elements->SP-SB1(no bass roll-off)->
Zoom H4n 16 bit 441htz >HDD>Goldwave to split the file >
traders little helper flac level 7
Taper: whotapes
Recorded from Section VIP Row EE
01 Movin' On Down the Line
02 Another Roadside Tragedy
03 Let Me Share the Ride
04 Evergreen
05 Sister Luck
06 By Your Side
07 Wiser Time
08 She Talks to Angels
09 Thorn in My Pride
10 Jealous Again
11 Remedy
12 Hard to Handle
13 Hush
14 Boomer's Story
Earlier this year the Black Crowes came to the House of Blues in Dallas and I was not able to go so
I was really happy when I saw they were going to play Winstar. There was quite a bit of talking around
me at times. So during some of the jam sections it can be heard pretty clearly. I wish they would have played
Twice as Hard but with their sets you always get a variety.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: