Black Crowes
High Energy Music Theater, Clarkston, MI (USA)
July 29, 2021
Lineage: Edirol R09 w/internal mics (24/44) > Adobe Audition CC2020 (level boost) > CD Wave Editor (track) > flac8
Recorded by: DCD6575
Tracked by: smores
Set I: $hake Your Money Maker
1. Twice As Hard
2. Jealous Again
3. Sister Luck
4. Could I've Been So Blind
5. Seeing Things
6. Hard To Handle [Otis Redding]
7. Thick N' Thin
8. She Talks To Angels
9. Struttin' Blues
10. Stare It Cold
Set II
11. No Speak No Slave
12. Kickin' My Heart Around
13. Sometimes Salvation
14. Wiser Time
15. -band intros-
16. Thorn In My Pride
17. Sting Me
18. Remedy
19. -encore break-
20. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (But I Like It) [Rolling Stones]
Leslie Grant
Mackenzie Adams
Brian Griffin
Joel Robinow
Rich Robinson
Isaiah Mitchell
Chris Robinson
Sven Pipien
bill: Black Crowes/Dirty Honey
This show is another "DCD6575" master. He was kind enough to give some of his masters to be shared in this forum. If you have masters that you would like to share, but lack the tools, time, or know-how, please contact SMORES on DIME and I will be happy to discuss them with you. thanks.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: