The Black Lillies
Dolores River Brewery
Dolores, CO
Soundboard 1/4 AB out>XLR In Oade Warm Mod Marantz PMD 661
cool edit pro>cdwave editor>flac16
Taped, transferred and uploaded by Richard Skaggs.


01 - Intro
02 -
03 -
04 -
05 -
06 -
07 -
08 -
09 - There's Only One For Me
10 - Nobody's Fault But Mine

Set 2

01 -
02 -
03 -
04 - Are You Ready for the Country?
05 - Shady Grove
06 - Girls Just Want to Have Fun
07 - somebody Just got Paid
08 - You Know What It's Like
09 -
10 -
11 -
12 - Time of the Season
13 - Shape I'm In>People of the World

This is tracked seamlessly, if burning to cd, track 1 of set two should go on disc1. Go see these fine folks, ask them to tape,
talk about other things, buy them a beer, be nice, you know the drill. Last show I taped of 2013. Bye 2013, many of us won't miss you!
This is 4 Corners Tapers Production, I don't know where the other 4 Corners Tapers were, they don't get out much....