Black Mountain
Aug 8th 2024
Sonic Blast Festival
Praia Da Duna Do Caldeirao,
Vila Praia de Âncora, Portugal
Recorded by Scott Heller using and Edirol R-07 and Audio Reality Cardiod Mics from the main soundboard dead center. EQ, edits, etc.. using Universal Audio plug ins and Logic X.
Note PA sound was very LOUD and compressed. Low end almost distorted at times. It might sound like the recording is peaking and distorted but that was not the case.
the chatter you hear is the soundguy sorry
01 Mothers of the Sun
02 Stormy High
03 Florian Saucer Attack
04 Angels
05 Rollercoaster
06 Line Them All Up
07 Wucan
08 Future Shade
09 Wilderness Heart
10 Horns Arising
11 Druganaut
(this upload comes to you by courtesy of doctor space and the hanwaker -- a co-op for the time being)
hanwaker upload to dime 2024-08
read about it
and find a video link
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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