Psychedelic Network Festival # 8
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 28 - 2015 (app. 16:30 -> 17:20)
Day #2/Act # 2
It's a Spacebandit, so you're in there
With a "little help" from my friend MIRO
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> MemoryCard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly and dear MIRO with the mics pasted on the wall of a window ceiling at 2.5 meters height about 2 meters from stage edge left side.
A good decision, as not only the recording turned out very nice, but gave us "hard workin' tapers" time and space to move, have a puff or "robbing" the merchandise table,
which was located one floor above the concert room. Oh, and yes, of course, a very attentive crowd with almost no chatting at all. A few weird pictures are included as well..
Fun time again in beautiful Wuerzburg for another fine PNF. My deepest thanks to "Chef de la cuisine musique extraordinaire" Horst Porkert, "Ma�tre de lumi�res flottantes"
Kosmik Klaus for the mindblowing lightshow, "Contr�leur mondiale Champion Sound" Kilian and all the very friendly Cafe Cairo Crew. To my friends from the "Psychedelik Stammtisch",
as all of us SEVEN showed up (a real rare occurance!), our dear friend and taper master Rendel (for swet talks and devasting the hotel suites aftershow!), dear Harrie The Fox,
another relaxed taper whom I met for the first (but definitely not the last) time (Herzberg 2016, hurrah!), Juergen and Birgit from Nuernberg, the Duna Jam guys, the big crew from
Erfurt and other "old Herzberg warriors on the edge of space" for fantastic talks.. THANKS FROM MY HEART TO YOURS...
Admission fee: 47 Euros - only a two-day ticket was available. Sold out long before. 150 tix only.
Catering: Kesselring Pilsener/Landbier 0,33 ltr. at each 2,10 Euros. Latter was more tasty, but sold out early as usual at second night. No food. But chinese and turkish food temples
at walking distance of 5 minutes...and a great cellar "Brauhaus" within three minutes walk. Gorgeous homebrew beer. As the
Sleeping: 90 Euros for 2 nights with breakfast on the second morning. Nice suite with a living room, sofa, big table turntable...
Parking fee: 16 Euros per car for app. 60 hours, directly at the hotel...
Addiction: Record Store "H2o" with tons of fabulous vinyl within 3 minutes walk from the hotel. Could've spent all my saving there...
Freitag, 27.11.2015
Sunhair und Ax (16:00 -> 16:45)
Pretty Lightning (17:00 -> 18:00)
Kungens M�n (19:00 -> 21:00)
Wedge (22:00 -> 0:00)
Samstag, 28.11.2015
Cubus Maximus (13:30 -> 15:30)
The Black Waves (16:30 -> 18:00)
Electric Orange (19:00 -> 21:00)
Earthling Society (22:00 -> 0:00)
Second act on the second "afternoon" of lovely Psychedelic Network Festival # 8 was something really special. Not only it was by far the shortest show this year, it was - at least
to my rotten ears and spaced mind - the best one of the whole festival. Musical tastes may differ, but if you like some repetetive spacerock a la Spacemen 3, you have definitely
landed on the right planet! As the mentioned first explorers of that kind of cosmic sound left us way too early, these three young and very very nice guys from Lille, France are
filling the void so amazingly, that I felt like being pushed back 27/28 years in time to a small venue called Forum Enger. The difference choas onstage this time. Anyway,
think I've experienced this show with all senses and it's always a good sign when the hairs in the back of your skull stand up goosebumping...just fucking fantastic!
Oh, and of course, the long spacy talk on the merch table as well. Supreme, mes amis! Merci. SB.
Taped and uploaded with permission of the band
FULL SHOW (50:48 min.)
01. Introduction by Horst/Tuning (2:59)
02. The song of Haji (7:17)
03. Fortune teller (3:49)
04. Full time dreamers -> (5:44)
05. Let there be light (4:36)
06. I wanna hurt (4:28)
07. 1000 miles away (4:25)
08. Standing on the cliff... (7:26)
09. Levitation (10:00)
show cut short due to broken guitar pedal...sigh! (vinyl) (cd)
Support this great band, go to their shows, buy all the merchanise your spaceship can carry off into the orbits...
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that give you this music!
If you sell...perish in hell!
SPACEMAN 1 - guitar + vocals
SPACEMAN 2 - bass
SPACEMAN 3 - drums
@ the band: Thank you so much! Hope to see you soon again! Next time 120!
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/12/09
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
BlackWaves2015-11-28PsychedelicNetworkFestivalCafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (8).JPG
BlackWaves2015-11-28PsychedelicNetworkFestivalCafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (9).JPG