The Black Waves
Sunhair's 50 Golden Years Extravaganza
Immerhin, Wuerzburg, Germany
July - 02 - 2016 (app. 16:50 -> 18:00)
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 840
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2 (@ WAV 16/44) -> MemoryCard -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD Audacity (edit/volume boost+balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by the LIGHTSEER at excatly 1.27 meters from stage edge left of center. Unfortunately this has a quite muddy system sound which does not really satisfy at all. As the
instruments are mostly clear in the mix, the vocals are very buried. Also there's a significant change of sound after the 5th track. Most likely there are recordings done which
sound better than this, but it's definitely not the fault of the taper, as his other recordings from this evening sound fine. A few crappy pics from my camera are included, it was
way too dark inside that good ol'hole...
Spacebandit's notes...
It was such a great pleasure to be part of this amazing celebration day. Tickets were limited to only 100, so many very familiar faces turned up for this birthday bash event at
the small IMMERHIN club in Wuerzburg, which was below the big "Posthalle" where the "Public viewing" of european football championship game between Deutschland versus Italia was.
Walking back from a snack from nearby central trainstation I was a bit afraid about the masses of football maniacs, but it all went down very smooth that evening.
All my deephearted thanks to the ever reliable tapercrew/friends there as SEETHELIGHT7, PROPYLAEN, HARRIE THE FOX, RENDEL who did the major work as your lazy loony Spacebandit was
more into talks. Big thanks to all those superb bands who really opened up the most hidden parts of brain with their outergalactical music. And, straight from the heart, to the
birthday boy for 20+ years organizing psychedelic music events par excellence in Wuerzburg and beyond. DANKE HORST, haste gut gemacht! Wie immer...SB.
Yes, another one from the shelves of time gone by so fast...I did not post this immediately after the former shared shows from SEVEN THAT SPELLS, VIBRAVOID or DA CAPTAIN TRIPS as
the taper was on an extended family holiday in the southern lands of continental europe. And then...hmmm...finally it's up now.
This band really blew me away on the PNF (Psychedelic Network Festival) #8 in late November 2015. Close your eyes (not ears, of course and even lesser YOUR MIND!) for these three
young guys from Lille, France (wasn't there a great band from that town before? Maybe GLOWSUN?) who put you straight on a psychedelic space trip into the glory sounds of bands like
SPACEMEN 3, (((LOOP))) or THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN...As their show back then was cut short due broken equipment, here's a real full experience of their music. Enjoy! SB.
Taped and shared with permission by the band
FULL SHOW (69:09 min.)
01. Excerpt from Soundcheck (3:19)
02. Introduction by Horst (2:16)
03. Standing on the cliff (11:46)
04. 1000 miles away (4:57)
05. The sound of Haji (7:45)
06. Attila (5:42)
07. A last kick in the head (10:38)
08. Full time dreamers -> (3:59)
09. Let there be light (6:40)
10. Falling down (4:26)
11. I wanna hurt (3:49)
12. Fortune teller (3:46)
13. Levitation (8:30) (vinyl) (cd)
Support this great band, go to their shows, buy all the merchanise your spaceship can carry off into the orbits...
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use. Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that give you this music!
If you sell (this recording)... eat rotten baguettes forever!
SPACEMAN 1 - guitar + vocals
SPACEMAN 2 - bass
SPACEMAN 3 - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2016/09/21
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: