Blackie and the Rodeo Kings recorded from CBC-FM. Approximately five very short (~0.03 second) breaks in reception removed without a trace.
Faults: Three tiny defects from transmission could not be removed.
Repetitive and frequently unnecessary DJ chatter.
Vancouver, BC -- CBC Studio 1
2014-02-14 -- 51:50
01. -DJ intro-
02. Gotta Stay Young
03. -talk-
04. Everything I Am
05. -talk, DJ talk-
06. South
07. -talk-
08. North
09. -DJ talk, talk--
10. Reinventing the Wheel
11. -DJ talk-
12. I'm Still Loving You
13. -talk-
14. Sometimes It Comes So Easy
15. -talk, DJ talk-
16. I'd Have to Be a Stone
17. -talk-
18. Summertime's Over
19. -DJ talk, talk-
20. Lean on Your Peers
21. -DJ outro-
note: 'The Toque Sessions'
DJ is Garvia Bailey
Composition credits below are in alphabetical order:
t02: by Dave Thompson & Tom Wilson
t04: by Stephen Fearing
t06, 18: by Colin Linden
t08: by Tom Wilson
t10: by Colin Linden & Gary Nicholson
t12: by Colin James, Jesse O'Brian & Tom Wilson
t14: by Willie P Bennett
t16: by Stephen Fearing & Tom Wilson
t20: by Colin Cripps, Colin Linden & Tom Wilson
Stephen Fearing - guitar
Colin Linden - dobro
Tom Wilson - guitar
John Dymond - bass
Gary Craig - drums
No artwork.
Recorded by stevemtl on 2014-08-11:
CBC cable FM -> Yamaha RX596 -> AP2448 (analogue port) ->
Soundforge (@24/48) -> HD
Mastered and posted to DIME on 2014-08-16 by stevemtl:
HD -> Soundforge (@24/48: trim, edit, L2 level fix)-> r8brain
(vhq downsample) -> Soundforge(L2 dither)-> CDwave (track cut)
-> TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) - TLH (torrent)
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