Blackmore's Night
Moscow, Russia
Crocus City Hall
TAPED BY: TimSmith
SOURCE: CA-14 cards -> CA-UBB -> Sony PCM-m10 (24/44)
sdhc card -> original WAVs -> Sound Forge 9 (normalize, fades, dither) -> 16/44 WAVs -> CD Wave Editor -> TLH -> FLAC16
SOUND QUALITY: Good enough to enjoy. 929/1000 according to my personal scale.
01 intro (God Save the Keg)
02 Locked Within the Crystal Ball
03 Play Minstrel Play
04 Under a Violet Moon
05 Soldier of Fortune
06 Durch den Wald zum Bach Haus
07 World of Stone
08 Troika (*)
09 Diamonds & Rust
10 Renaissance Faire
11 Darkness
12 Dance of the Darkness
13 Wind in the Willows
14 Toast to Tomorrow
15 Keyboard Solo
16 Journeyman
17 Loreley
18 Home Again
19 The Clock Ticks On
20 Dancer and the Moon (*)
21 Fires at Midnight
22 Village Lanterne
(*) first time played
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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