Blueground Undergrass
The Pour House
Raleigh, NC
Source: SBD>JB3@44.1k
Lineage: JB3>Nomad>Audacity 1.2.4>CDwave>FLAC
Taped by: Travis Viars
Transferred by: Travis Viars
Disc 1
1. African Hillbilly
2. Man In The Glass
3. Archaeology
4. Seven Daffodils
5. She Needs Me
6. Tennessee
7. You Get A Line>Uncle Tom Cruise Conrtol>YGAL>
8. Farewell To Lemmings
Disc 2
1. Dublin Blues>
2. Ole Love Ole Tune
3. Highwayman
4. Deep Elam Blues
5. Curve In The Road
Disc 3
1. Wheel Hoss
2. Oh Death
3. Take This Hammer
4. Forget The Past
5. Black Muddy River
6. Intro
7. Live Your Song
Show without Owen Saunders