"Girls with Guitars"
New Orleans Festival
Fuerther Freiheit, Fuerth, Germany
May - 24 - 2015
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 805
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2 (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audicity (edit/volume boost+balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by the Lightseer himself mostly from right side of the stage facing the system tower. This started a bit boomy with high pitched drums, but the sound nicely progressed after
the taper moved for the 4th song. Only a few distant chatters audible, I think this sounds - for an outdoor tape - pretty fine. A few pics are included as well. All thanks to great
master taper from Nuernberg! Oh, and BTW - no other acts were taped!
Since a few years well respected blues label "Ruf records" put on a road show here in Germany (and a few places in neighbouring countries) called THE BLUES CARAVAN. After major success
in 2011, the label decided to dedicate this tour to uprising new female talents from the deltas of southern USA and Italia. An album with selfpenned and collabration songs as well as
a few cover songs was specially produced for this event. Though the age of those "bluesgirls" was as young as just 18 years (Sadie Johnson), the music offered here is much impressing.
I was a bit in doubt of the writing skills of these three before, but I was positively surprised. Some Chicago jump blues tracks (luckily for me without horns!), some cool texican blues
shuffles in best tradition of the Fab T-Birds or the great late SRV, some mean down rockin boogie and a few great versions of classic blues tracks. If there was one thing I was missing
from this fine show it might just been an extended real slow one a la "Texas flood". Anyway, as the girls "got pepper in their ass" you couldn't expect that. Oh, and a tiny little minus
for the take on WArren Haynes' "Soulshine". That does not work without a B3. Never did never will...sorry. Anyway enjoy this fine soundtrack from a warm spring evening in Frankonia! SB.
FULL SHOW (106:39 min.)
01. Introduction (2:05)
02. Girl band (3:31)
03. I fell in love (2:54) *
04. I'm a woman (5:53)
05. This house ain't just my home (3:04)
06. Teena nenna man (2:33) #
07. Eliana's boogie (5:15)
08. Wish you hadn't gone (4:56)
09. Woman bass guitar (4:55)
10. Give me a kiss (4:30)
11. You don't move me no more (4:11) #
12. Soulshine (5:50) **
13. I'm tore down (3:20) ***
14. Why do I sing the blues (4:31)
15. Wang dang doodle (5:19) ****
16. Walkin' blues (10:58) *****
17. She may have you but I got your heart (7:19)
18. There's gonna be some rockin' tonight (2:52) ******
19. Walkin' by myself (7:50) *******
20. Feelin' alright (9:13) ********
21. Tush (5:30) *********
# not sure about the track title
* Susan Tedeshi song
** Warren Haynes song
*** Freddie King song
**** Willie Dixon song
***** Robert Johnson song
****** AC/DC song
******* Gary Moore song
******** ZZ-TOP song
Support these fine artists, go to their shows, buy all the merchandise your blues mobile can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac Rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell...get your ass burned in hell!
Eliana Cargnelutti - fender stratocaster, vocals
Sadie Johnson - gibson les paul, vocals
Heather Crosse - rickenbaker bass, vocals
Denis Palatin - drums
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2015/05/26
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: